
基于IEC 61784-3的openSAFETY残余错误率计算

Residual Error Rate Calculation of openSAFETY Based on IEC 61784-3
摘要 针对IEC61784-3残余错误率扩展计算模型参考计算公式的应用受到极大限制的问题,提出相应改进建议。以openSAFETY为分析对象,结合其运行机理,在深入分析扩展计算模型中参考公式的原理后,提出对残余错误率扩展计算模型中计算公式的改进建议,并根据改进公式完成IEC61784-3扩展计算模型下openSAFETY的安全完整性等级评估。结果表明:改进后的扩展计算模型对openSAFETY的残余错误率计算比原模型的适用性更强,结果更准确。 Aiming at the problem that the application of IEC 61784-3 residual error rate extended calculation model reference calculation formula is greatly limited, the corresponding improvement suggestions are put forward. Taking openSAFETY as the object of analysis, combined with its operation mechanism, after thoroughly analyzing the principle of reference formula in extended computing model, this paper puts forward suggestions for improving the calculation formula in extended computing model of residual error rate, and completes the security integrity evaluation of openSAFETY under IEC 61784-3 extended computing model according to the improved formula. The results show that the improved extended model is more applicable and accurate than the original model in calculating the residual error rate of openSAFETY.
作者 王文俊 李彦平 骆云志 Wang Wenjun;Li Yanping;Luo Yunzhi(Department of Special Product,Automation Research Institute Co.,Ltd.of China South Industries Group Corporation,Mianyang 621000,China)
出处 《兵工自动化》 2020年第3期22-27,共6页 Ordnance Industry Automation
关键词 IEC 61784-3 openSAFETY 残余错误率 IEC 61784-3 openSAFETY residual error rate
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