
基于健康信念模式的医学生心态调节状况调查 被引量:3

Investigation on psychological adjustment of medical students based on health belief model
摘要 目的基于健康信念模式,了解医学生的心态调节状况及其相关影响因素,为进一步开展医学生心理健康教育提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法抽取海南医学院在校学生1050名,自编一般情况调查表和医学生心态调节能力调查问卷进行现况调查。结果男生"知觉到障碍""内部回报""外部回报"得分及总分高于女生(t值分别为4.50,6.39,5.57,P值均<0.05);"知觉到严重性"方面,大五学生得分高于大四学生;大三学生"自我效能"得分,分别低于大四和大五学生(F值分别为4.77,6.14,P值均<0.05);城市学生"知觉到益处""知觉到障碍"得分低于乡镇和农村学生(F值分别为4.27,4.44,P值均<0.05);"自我效能"方面及总分,乡镇学生得分高于城市学生(F值分别为4.11,3.28,P值均<0.05);独生子女"内部回报"得分高于非独生子女(t=2.06,P<0.05);单亲家庭学生"知觉到益处""知觉到障碍""内部回报""外部回报"得分高于非单亲家庭学生(t值分别为2.76,2.91,2.24,2.08,3.35,P值均<0.05)。父母亲文化程度不同的学生,在某些维度上得分存在差异,文化程度较低的父母其子女难以认知到心态调节的益处、障碍以及拥有较低的自我效能。结论医学生的心态调节能力在健康信念模式的某些维度上存在差异,结合健康信念模式制定积极有效的心理健康教育计划,可以帮助学生更高效地提升心态调节的能力。 Objective To understand the state of psychological adjustment of medical students and its related influencing factors based on the model of health beliefs, so as to provide the evidence for further development of psychological health education for medical students.Methods A total of 1 050 students from Hainan Medical College were selected by the stratified cluster sampling method and investigated by the general situation questionnaire and the questionnaire of medical students’ psychological adjustment ability.ResultsThe average scores of"perceived obstacles""internal return"and"external return", and total score of the male students were higher than those of the female students(t=4.50, 6.39, 5.57,all P<0.05). The average score of"perceived to seriousness"of the Grade Five students was higher that of the Grade Three students;the average score of"self-efficacy"of Grade Three students was lower than that of the Grade Four and Grade Five students(F=4.77, 6.14, P<0.05);the average scores of "perceived benefits" and "perceived obstacles" of the urban students were lower than those of the rural and township students(F=4.27, 4.44, P< 0.05);the average score of "self-efficacy" and total score of the rural and township students were higher than those of the urban students(F=4.11, 3.28, P<0.05);the average score of "internal reward" of the only-child was higher than that of the non-only-child(t=2.06, P<0.05);the average scores of "perceived benefit", "perceived obstacle", "internal reward" and "external reward" of the single-parent family students was higher than those of the non-single-parent family students(t=2.76, 2.91, 2.24, 2.08, 3.35, P<0.05). The students whose parents had different educational levels had different scores in certain dimensions. The students whose parents had lower education levels had difficulty in recognizing the benefits, obstacles, and lower self-efficacy of psychological adjustment.Conclusion The psychological adjustment ability of the medical students differs in some dimensions of the health belief model. We can formulate a positive and effective psychological health education plan in combination with the health belief model to help the students improve their psychological adjustment abilities more effectively.
作者 封韵 王丽卿 刘燊 王宁杰 姜君 朱慧全 FENG Yun;WANG Li qing;LIU Shen;WANG Ning jie;JIANG Jun;ZHU Hui quan(Department of Adolescent Health and Maternal and Child Health Care,School of Public Health,Hainan Medical College,Haikou 571199,China)
出处 《中国校医》 2020年第1期1-4,共4页 Chinese Journal of School Doctor
基金 2016年海南省哲学社会科学规划课题[HNSK(YB)16-114]。
关键词 医学 大学生 心理状态 调节 健康信念模式 medicine college students psychological state regulation health belief model
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