CaiYuanpei is a great democratic revolutionist,thinker,and educator in modern Chinese history.He is always remembered as a great reformer no matter when he served as Cabinet Minister of Education of the Republic of China,or as president of Peking University.His reforms in Peking University contributed significantly to the improvement of the atmosphere of teaching and learning,and the school spirit in general.Among his many reforms was the creation of Peking University Monthly.Embodied in this pioneering journal are not only his ideals for academic studies and higher education,but also his aspirations to save the country and the people.This paper summarizes Cai s editorial thoughts by combining Cai s editing experiences with his administering practices in Peking University.Hopefully,Cai s editorial thought will inspire editors of academic journals at modern colleges and universities to keep up with the new trends and meet the new needs in the new era.If so,their journals are likely to fulfill their mission better in promoting academic development,guiding researches,and constructing a system of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics.
HE Shu(The Editorial Department of the Journal of Sichuan Tourism University,Chengdu 610100,China)
Journal of Changchun Normal University
Cai Yuanpei s editorial thought
Peking University Monthly
academic journals at colleges and universities
mission of journals