
西北经济走廊建设与发展:战略构想、现实条件与有效路径 被引量:16

Construction and Development of Northwest Economic Corridor:Strategic Conception, Realistic Condition and Effective Path
摘要 深度融入共建"一带一路"倡议与黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的战略实施,对新时代西北地区的生态保护和高质量发展提出了更高的要求。基于区域经济发展理论、区域经济动力学理论、区域经济结构创新和变革理论,立足于全局性与局部性相结合、战略性与战术性相结合、历史性与现实性相结合、优先性与协调性相结合的原则,架构了西北经济走廊建设与发展的战略构想,期望以西北经济走廊的建设与发展实现西北五省区的高质量发展,并以走廊外的生态文明建设实现西北五省区的生态保护。指出西北经济走廊建设与发展是深度融入"一带一路",助推黄流流域生态保护和高质量发展,助力打好产业基础高级化和产业链现代化攻坚战,共享西部陆海新通道建设成果和深度强化国际经济合作的时代要求;同时,西北经济走廊建设与发展也具备良好的区位基础、历史基础、经济基础、样本和模式基础、国际贸易通道基础。新时代西北经济走廊的建设与发展必须在明确西北五省区发展的个性定位基础上找到走廊发展的共性目标,在明晰五省区发展的功能区划基础上找准走廊发展的有效路径,充分发挥重点经济区、城市群、省会级城市、重大基础设施对走廊高质量发展的撬动能力,以科学的体制机制建设找准走廊高质量发展的科学路径。 The deep integration into the Belt and Road Initiative and the strategic implementation of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin place higher requirements on ecological protection and high-quality development in northwest China in the new era. Based on the theories of regional economic development, dynamics as well as structure innovation and reform, and the principles of integrating the overall and partial, strategy and tactics, history and reality, and priority and coordination, this paper raises a strategic conception of the corridor’s construction and development, aiming at high quality development and ecological protection of the five northwest provinces and ecological protection in this region through building ecological civilization outside the corridor. It points out that the corridor’s construction and development is the requirement of the times for deep integration into the Belt and Road Initiative, boosting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin, contributing to industrial foundation optimization and industrial chain modernization, sharing the achievements of the new land-sea passage in west China, and deepening international economic cooperation. Meanwhile, the corridor also has a good foundation in virtue of its location, history, economy, sample and model, and international trade channel. To build the corridor in the new era, a common goal in accordance with the five provinces’ individual features must be established and an effective path based on function regionalization of the provinces’ development must be found. Additionally, it should give full play to the leverage of key economic zones, urban agglomerations, provincial capital cities and major infrastructure on the corridor’s development, and pinpoint the scientific path to its high quality development through scientific institutional construction.
作者 郭爱君 范巧 张永年 GUO Ai-jun;FAN Qiao;ZHANG Yong-nian(School of Economics,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期72-81,共10页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(14BJY086) 重庆市社会科学规划项目(2019YBJJ045) 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(KJQN201901513)。
关键词 西北经济走廊 “一带一路”倡议 黄河流域 生态保护 高质量发展 西北五省区 northwest economic corridor the Belt and Road Initiative Yellow River basin ecological protection high quality development the development of the five northwest provinces
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