
“后巴黎”时代中国应对气候变化能力建设方向 被引量:6

Suggestions on China’s capacity building in response to climate change in the “post-Paris” era
摘要 随着国际社会对气候变化认识的不断深入,全球气候治理也进入新的时代.近几年来,中国在应对气候变化国际合作领域,也由过去的被动防御逐渐成为全球生态文明建设的重要参与者、贡献者、引领者巴中国在气候变化基础科学研究、气候变化适应、气候资源开发利用、气候变化决策支撑和保障、气候变化国际合作和科普宣传等多个领域开展了一系列工作,也取得了良好的成绩巴《巴黎协定》达成后,全球应对气候变化的模式也发生了机制上的转变.全球气候治理由《京都议定书》设立的自上而下减排模式开始转变为广泛参与的自下而上全球合作减排模式巴随着《巴黎协定》后续实施细则的逐渐落实,“后巴黎”时代作为与之前全球气候治理不同的新时代逐渐开启叫对中国而言,如何参与这一时期的全球气候治理既是机遇也充满了挑战.当前,中国经济社会发展步入一个新的历史时期.应对气候变化工作面临的形势更为严峻、任务更加艰巨. Climate change presents an important environmental challenge that is being addressed by the global community. The socio-economic efforts to address climate change involve both international and domestic economic transformation, industrial upgrading, infrastructure protection, and disaster prevention and mitigation, amongst other considerations. In particular, capacity-building is a prerequisite for both participating in global climate governance and for targeting domestic response measures. After the Paris Agreement, global climate governance has entered the new so-called "post-Paris" era. Changes to the United States’ global climate policy have exacerbated the complexity of global climate governance, but domestic actions by stakeholders at the national or sub-national level are still striving toward the goals agreed to in the Paris Agreement. In particular, China faces significant challenges in addressing climate change impacts in both global mitigation efforts and domestic adaptation needs. Here, we identify areas shortcoming in capacity building for China that are targeted for improvement in the "post-Paris" era. Firstly, advances in the basic scientific research capacity of China to study climate change should focus on climate change detection attribution, prediction and impact assessment. One specific approach includes the development of climate system models along with the improvement of the comprehensive climate observation system should be implemented to improve fundamental research on climate related topics. Secondly, it is necessary to further enhance China’s climate adaptation capacity, particularly targeting adaptation goals for agriculture and urbanized areas as well as improving risk assessment and management of for already-occurring disasters. Thirdly, the development of a comprehensive understanding and support system for policy makers that can be used to integrate climate change responses into China’s international and domestic policies is critical for formulating effective mitigation and adaptation efforts. Fourthly, efforts should also be taken in building and enhancing a clear legal system that addresses emerging challenges in mitigation and adaptation. To address many of the above challenges, improvements and expansions also need to be made to strengthen the national expertise in relevant professional fields of climate change, so as to effectively support the pertinence, specialization, refinement, and aptitude in developing strategies for the many climate change-related challenges facing China. Lastly, enhancements in public outreach, awareness and education on climate change will help the public to consciously practice many of the capacity-building efforts being developed, including adopting the concept of green and low carbon in their daily life.
作者 黄磊 张永香 巢清尘 袁佳双 胡婷 Lei Huang;Yongxiang Zhang;Qingchen Chao;Jiashuang Yuan;Ting Hu(National Climate Center,China Meteorological Administration,Beijing 100081,China;Department of Science&Technology and Climate Change,China Meteorological Administration,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期373-379,共7页 Chinese Science Bulletin
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1509008) 中国气象局气候变化专项(CCSF201925,CCSF202043)的支持。
关键词 全球气候治理 基础科学研究 应对气候变化 被动防御 科普宣传 《京都议定书》 气候变化适应 实施细则 the post-Paris era climate change climate governance capacity building
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