

Comparison of CECT5716 Count Methods of Lactobacillus Fermentans
摘要 针对中外乳酸菌菌落数检测标准的差异,从固体菌粉的溶解情况以及培养基成分入手,通过比对菌落生长情况找出问题所在并提出可行性改进意见。结果表明,两种标准中所用混匀方式对菌落计数无影响;冷冻保藏的固体菌粉在后续实验操作前37℃下复溶45 min能够提高其活力,是造成中外差异的因素之一;复溶时用1%缓冲蛋白胨水进行溶解对缩短中外标准菌落数检测结果有积极作用;在培养基中加入适量营养物质能够显著提升菌落生长数量。 In view of the differences in the testing standards of lactobacillus colony number in China and foreign countries, starting from the dissolution of solid bacterial powder and the composition of medium, the problems were found by comparing the growth of bacterial colonies and the feasible improvement. The results showed that the mixing method used in the two standards had no effect on the colony count.The resolubilization of solid bacterial powder after freezing can improve its vitality. The dissolution of 1% buffer peptone water can improve the detection results of colony number. Adding appropriate nutrients to the medium can significantly increase the colony.
作者 曹春杰 王淑晨 赵紫芙 于景华 田慧青 陈铁涛 CAO Chunjie;WANG Shuchen;ZHAO Zifu;YU Jinghua;TIAN Huiqing;CHEN Tietao(Tianjin University of Science and Technology,College of Food Engineering and Biotechnology,Tianjin 300457,Chi na;By-science(Shanghai)Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.Shanghai 200235,China)
出处 《中国乳品工业》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第2期46-48,共3页 China Dairy Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金(31671876) 河北省科技计划项目(17227111D)。
关键词 发酵乳杆菌CECT5716 MRS培养基 菌落数 Lactobacillus Fermentum CECT5716 MRS medium Colony
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