
基于臭氧前驱物钢铁厂煤相关工艺的排放特征 被引量:1

Emission Characteristics of Ozone Precursors from Steel Plants on Coal-related Processes
摘要 通过气袋采样-GC-MS/FID分析,研究了某钢铁厂煤相关工艺环节(出焦、烧结、球团和炼铁高炉) VOCs的排放特征,结果表明:各工序TVOCs浓度水平:球团(12 531. 81±6 318. 20μg/m^3)>烧结(5 882. 49±2 850. 80μg/m^3)>炼铁高炉(2 193. 43±1 030. 18μg/m^3)>出焦(789. 66±175. 93μg/m^3)。苯乙烯、1-丁烯、正己烷为出焦烟气的主要化合物;1-丁烯在烧结和球团工艺过程烟气中最为富集;炼铁高炉的烟气排放主要以苯乙烯和1-丁烯为主。出焦、烧结及球团烟气中B/T(1. 35~3. 12)与煤燃烧特征一致,炼铁高炉烟气B/T为0. 47。烯烃均为各工艺过程O3生成的最敏感组分(贡献高达51. 23%~95. 14%),其中1-丁烯为最敏感单体化合物。 VOCs source characteristics from Coal related processes( coking,sintering,pelletizing and iron smelting) in steel plant were studied using Tedlar bag sampling-GC-MS/FID analysis system. The results showed that the concentration of TVOCs in each process was as follows: pelletizing( 12 531. 81 ± 6 318. 20 μg/m^3) > sintering( 5 882. 49 ± 2 850. 80 μg/m^3) > iron smelting( 2 193. 43 ± 1 030. 18 μg/m^3) > coking( 789. 66 ± 175. 93 μg/m^3). The most abundant compounds were styrene,1-butene and n-hexane during coking. 1-butene was the most abundant compounds in the flue gases of sintering and pelletizing processes,and the main species from iron smelting were styrene and 1-butene. The ratios of B/T during coking,sintering and pelletizing was 1. 35-3. 21,which could be considered as the characteristics of coal combustion. The ratio of B/T during iron smelting was 0. 47. Alkenes was the most sensitive component( contributing up to 51. 23% ~ 95. 14%) in the process for O3 formation,and 1-butene was the most sensitive monomer compound.
作者 高雪莹 闫昱程 李婕 郭利利 何秋生 李宏艳 王新明 GAO Xue-ying;YAN Yu-cheng;LI Jie;GUO Li-li;HE Qiu-sheng;LI Hong-yan;WANG Xin-ming(College of Environment and Safety,Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China;State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry,Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510630,China)
出处 《太原科技大学学报》 2020年第2期94-99,共6页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology
基金 国家自然基金(41172316) 海外及港澳学者合作研究基金(41728008) 山西省研究生优秀创新项目(2019SY498)。
关键词 钢铁厂 挥发性有机物 源成分谱 臭氧生成潜势 steel plant volatile organic compounds source profiles ozone formation potential
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