
空间科学数据产品组织模型 被引量:4

Framework for Space Science Data Organization
摘要 空间科学聚焦宇宙和生命的起源和演化、太阳系与人类的关系等重大基本问题研究,是世界自然科学发展的前沿学科。作为促进空间科学创新发展的重要科技资源,空间科学数据日益受到国家的重视。国家空间科学数据中心是获科技部批准的国家学科数据中心之一,承担着中国空间科学数据资源的集中汇交、永久保存和统一共享职责。在科学数据实际管理活动中,国家空间科学中心围绕科技资组织、汇交、归档和共享等基本需求,聚焦科技资源实体分层级组织、存储和管理等基本问题,建立了一套学科数据组织模型,定义了数据产品、数据(产品)集、数据卷三种资源组织管理,为不同层次资源配套了支持数据释义、索引、应用和管理等不同使用目的元数据。该数据组织模型在数据处理、管理和共享应用项目实施中取得了良好的应用效果。在国家空间科学数据中心建设的关键阶段,应全面推广该数据组织模型在空间科学领域不同科研项目中的应用,从数据生产源头保障汇交至国家空间科学数据中心资源的规范性、易用性和完整性。同时,空间科学数据产品组织模型具有较强的移植性,可为其他学科数据组织、存储和共享管理提供借鉴。 Space science is a discipline that focuses on the solution to basic but significant problems and research,such as the origin and evolution of the universe and human life or the relationship between the solar system and human beings.It is a quickly developing frontier subject in the natural sciences worldwide.Because of the key roles it plays in promoting the innovation of science and technology,in assisting the development of the economy,and in guaranteeing our country’s safety,space science data are considered to be an indispensable resource of science and technology infrastructure.Currently,China has set up 20 national subject data centers to collect,save,and share scientific data in different subject domains.As one of these 20 data centers,the China Space Science Data Center(CSSDC)is responsible for the centralized collection,permanent preservation,and unified sharing of China’s space science data.According to the basic standards and rules needed in scientific data processing and project management implementation,such as guides for data organization,exchanging,archiving,and publication,the CSSDC has built a set of data resource organization models to guide hierarchical data organization,storage,and management.In these models,data products,data(products)sets,and data volume were defined,and the supporting data resources(metadata)that assist the interpretation,indexing,application,and management of data were constructed as well.This data organization model was adopted in CSSDC data processing,sharing andmanagement projects and achieved good results.At this critical stage in the construction of the CSSDC,the use of this data organization model in different scientific research projects in space science is strongly recommend.This measure can ensure the integrity,normalization,and uniformity of the space science data that are collected from different science and technology projects.Meanwhile,the space science data product organization model is highly portable and can hence provide some references for the data organization,storage,and sharing management of other disciplines.
作者 熊森林 邹自明 胡晓彦 纪珍 Xiong Senlin;Zou Ziming;Hu Xiaoyan;Ji Zhen(National Space Science Center,CAS,Beijing 100190,China)
出处 《农业大数据学报》 2019年第4期30-36,共7页 Journal of Agricultural Big Data
基金 空间科学大数据管理与应用服务平台建设(Z181100002918002) “十三五”信息化专项(XXH13505-04)。
关键词 空间科学数据 组织模型 数据产品 数据集 元数据 科学数据管理 科学数据 space science data organization framework data products data sets metadata scientific data management scientific data
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