

Molecular Characterization and Gene Expression Profile of Bursicon-βSubunit Gene Related to Innate Immune Responses in Larval Fat Body of Helicoverpa armigera
摘要 【目的】研究棉铃虫鞣化激素β亚基参与脂肪组织免疫的相关功能基因表达模式。【方法】利用多肽激素体外处理与活体RNAi验证,将保存的鞣化激素β亚基同聚体重组蛋白,体外处理棉铃虫幼虫脂肪体组织,分别处理0、0.5、1和3 h,及体内注射鞣化激素β亚基dsRNA,72 h后取样,通过qRT-PCR检测棉铃虫幼虫脂肪体相关免疫基因表达模式。【结果】鞣化激素β亚基同源二聚体蛋白体外处理棉铃虫幼虫脂肪体后,免疫相关基因cecropin1、cecropin2、cecropin3、attacin、cecropin D、gloverin、defensin、moricin和lebocin在0.5 h转录水平迅速上升,随后在1 h恢复至初始水平,在3 h与初始转录水平亦无显著变化,具有相同的变化趋势;棉铃虫体内注射鞣化激素Burs-β亚基dsRNA,72 h后,moricin转录水平无显著差异,cecropin1、cecropin2、cecropin3、attacin、cecropin D、gloverin、defensin、moricin和lebocin等8个免疫相关基因转录水平的表达均下调。【结论】鞣化激素β亚基同聚体蛋白质能够参与棉铃虫的免疫相关基因转录。 【Objective】To investigate whether the Bursicon-βsubunit homopolymer protein is involved in the immune function in larval Helicoverpa armigera.【Methods】Using the strategy of in vitro treatment of peptide hormones and RNAi of live larvae,the Bursiconβ-subunit homomeric recombinant protein stored in this experiment was used to treat the Helicoverpa armigera larva fat body tissue in vitro,respectively,0 h,0.5 h,1 h,3 h,and The Bursiconβ-subunit dsRNA was injected in vivo.The expression pattern of associated immune genes in Helicoverpa armigera was studied by qRT-PCR.【Results】When the Bursiconβ-subunit homodimer protein treated Helicoverpa armigera larvae fat body tissue in vitro,the immune-related genes cecropin1,cecropin2,cecropin3,attacin,cecropin D,gloverin,defensin,moricin,and lebocin increased rapidly at 0.5 h,and subsequently it returned to the initial level at 1 h.Then there was no significant change at 3 h with the initial transcription level,with the same trend.when the Burs-βsubunit dsRNA was injected into the Helicoverpa armigera,there was no significant difference in the transcription level of moricin and the expression levels of other lipid-immunity-related genes were down-regulated.【Conclusion】The Bursicon-βsubunit homopolymer protein can participate in the transcription of immune-related genes in larval of H.armigera.
作者 嵇玉洁 马星宇 宋永辉 杜孟芳 魏纪珍 尹新明 刘晓光 安世恒 JI Yujie;MA Xingyu;SONG Yonghui;DU Mengfang;WEI Jizhen;YIN Xinming;LIU Xiaoguang;AN Shiheng(State Key Laboratory of Wheat and Maize Crop Science,College of Plant Protection,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou 450002,China)
出处 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期600-607,共8页 Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家重点研发计划“棉花化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范”(2017YDF0201900) “黄淮海夏玉米化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范”(2018YFD0200600) 河南农业大学校创新项目(KJCX2017A11) 国家自然科学基金(31601904) 中科院昆虫发育与进化重点实验室开放课题(2009DP17321425-IDEB-KF-0021)。
关键词 棉铃虫 鞣化激素β亚基 免疫反应 RNAI Helicoverpa armigera Bursicon beta subunit immune response RNAi
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