
太赫兹3D打印透镜综述 被引量:1

Overview of Terahertz 3D Printed Lenses
摘要 太赫兹波由于其独特的电磁特性可应用于超高速率无线通信、生物化学物质检测以及高分辨率成像等领域。但由于太赫兹波的物理波长小,传统适用于低频的加工工艺难以满足其加工精度的要求;而微纳米加工工艺又具有加工复杂、成本高等缺点。3D打印技术的发展为太赫兹器件的加工提供了新的选择和更多的设计灵活度。文章介绍了香港城市大学太赫兹与毫米波国家重点实验室在3D打印太赫兹透镜方面的最新研究动态和实验研究新成果,包括基于3D打印的太赫兹高增益圆极化透镜、近场聚焦圆极化透镜、贝塞尔波束生成透镜的设计,高精度3D打印方法的探索以及太赫兹天线测试方法等。太赫兹3D打印透镜天线具有低成本、低损耗、能快速成型等特点,可应用于不同的太赫兹场景中。 Terahertz waves have widespread applications in ultra-high-speed wireless communications, chemical and biology specificity as well as high-resolution imaging. However, the wavelength of terahertz wave is so small that conventional microwave fabrication techniques cannot meet the required accuracy of the terahertz devices, and micromachining technique is costly and complicated. 3-dimensional(3 D) printed technology is emerging as a new method in terahertz devices fabrication and provides more degrees of freedom for terahertz devices design. This paper introduces some recent work on terahertz lenses from the State Key Laboratory of Terahertz and Millimeter Waves, City University of Hong Kong, including the designs of terahertz high-gain circular polarized(CP) lens, near-field focusing CP lens, Bessel beam launcher, and investigation of high-resolution 3 D printing method as well as terahertz antenna measurement. The 3 D printed terahertz lenses possess the advantages of low cost, low loss and rapid prototyping, which can be widely used in various terahertz systems.
作者 陈志豪 吴耿波 陈家辉 屈世伟 CHAN Chi-hou;WU Geng-bo;CHAN Ka-fai;QU Shi-wei(Department of Electrical Engineering,City University of Hong Kong,HKSAR 999077,China;State Key Laboratory of Terahertz and Millimeter Waves,City University of Hong Kong,HKSAR 999077,China;School of Electronic Science and Engineering,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,China)
出处 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期32-37,共6页 Journal of Microwaves
基金 香港研究资助委员会基金(GRF Grant CityU 11200514)。
关键词 太赫兹 3D打印 透镜 圆极化 贝塞尔波束 terahertz 3D printing lens circular polarization Bessel beam
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