
利用发射自由度提高机载相控阵雷达检测性能的方法 被引量:2

A Method for Improving the Performance of Airborne Radar by Using Freedom Degree of Transmitter
摘要 机载相控阵预警雷达由于载机运动,收到的杂波信号呈现二维分布特性。针对地杂波二维耦合特性,文中提出一种利用发射自由度预白化杂波的方法,可以有效提高机载相控阵雷达的检测目标性能。该方法利用了二进制伪随机序列的自相关特性,通过在不同脉冲之间使用不同的发射权值,将来源于发射方向图副瓣的地杂波白化到噪声空间,进而提升了机载雷达的动目标检测性能。通过数值仿真实验,证明该方法能够预白化地杂波,有效提升了雷达检测目标的信杂噪比。 The clutter signals received by airborne phased array radar show two-dimensional distribution characteristics due to the motion of airborne aircraft. In view of the two-dimensional coupling characteristics of ground clutter,a method of pre-whitening clutter by the transmitter’s freedom degree is proposed,which can effectively improve the detection performance of airborne phased array radar. This method utilizes the autocorrelation of binary pseudo-random sequence to whiten the sidelobe ground clutter into noise space by adjusting the transmission weight between different pulse,thus improving the effect of ground clutter suppression.Through numerical simulation experiments,it can be proved that this method can whiten the clutter and improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the target.
作者 董鑫 杨国鹏 张良 孟祥东 DONG Xin;YANG Guopeng;ZHANG Liang;MENG Xiangdong(Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology,Nanjing 210039,China)
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期58-62,66,共6页 Modern Radar
关键词 发射加权 预白化 机载雷达 动目标检测 空时自适应处理 weights of transmitter pre-whiten airborne radar moving target detection space-time adaptive processing
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