
The Developing Process of “Maker” Movement in China and its Future Trends

摘要 As a wave of innovation, arising from the post-industrial society in the West, the Maker Movement is showing its unique characteristics in China after being transmitted from the West. The sudden rise of the "Chinese version of Maker Movement"(the Movement) is closely related to the national strategy of "widespread entrepreneurship and innovation". Through festivalmaking activities and the localization of makerspaces, China has redefined the international maker culture. The impact of the Movement in China has extended extensively and profoundly to the fields of economy, education and culture. In the economic field, the Movement has promoted the popularization of the means of production, changed the relations of production, and created the new economic engine through innovations in economic systems. In the field of education, it has fostered innovative talents through the promotion of deeper learning and educational fairness. In terms of culture, it has enriched the spirit of culture, improved cultural patterns, and innovated cultural concepts. In the coming years, the Movement in China is likely to power the following trends: First, it will develop rapidly as a new economic model and business form;second, it will be more popular in forms of popularization and entertainment;third, the Movement will spread from cities to villages;fourth, even though the Movement may be temporarily halted due to potential failures to break through constraints such as technology, markets, policies, and funds, the Movement in China will generally present a spiraling upward trend.
机构地区 Shenzhen University
出处 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2020年第2期54-71,共18页 当代社会科学(英文)
基金 supported by Research on the Development Path of “The Maker Founders Movement” during the Construction of Innovation-oriented Cities in China(15CH167) Arts Project funded by the National Social Science Fund of China.
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