
银杏雌株高黄酮种质定向筛选 被引量:3

Germplasm Directional Screening of Female Ginkgo biloba with High Levels of Flavonoid
摘要 以46个银杏雌株为试验材料,研究了生育前期和生育后期单株间叶中总黄酮及其组分含量差异及变异,基于聚类分析筛选出高黄酮含量的春茶用、提取黄酮用及两者兼用的优株。主要研究结果如下:(1)生育初期的黄酮及其组分含量显著高于生育后期,两个生育时期的各银杏雌株间的叶中总黄酮及各组分含量均存在极显著性差异。(2)银杏雌株间的叶中总黄酮及各组分含量均存在较大的变异,其中生育前期叶中总黄酮及各组分含量变异系数为21.06%~33.35%,生育后期为29.11%~50.13%。(3)生育前期和生育后期的叶中总黄酮含量分别与对应生育期的槲皮素、山奈酚、异鼠李素含量均呈极显著正相关;生育前期和生育后期间叶中总黄酮及其组分含量均呈极显著高度正相关。(4)基于生育前期叶中的总黄酮及3个主要组分含量,筛选出了15、29、30、42、43、44、45、46、47、49、50、48等12个春茶用优株;基于生育后期叶中的总黄酮及3个主要组分含量,筛选出了42、46、43、44、45、47、48、50等8个提取黄酮用优株;基于生育前期和生育后期叶中总黄酮含量,筛选出了29、42、43、44、45、46、47、50、48等9个可作为银杏春茶及黄酮提取的兼用型优株。综上三类分别可作为春茶用、黄酮提取用及兼用型银杏种质,进一步无性系化扩繁、区试或推广。 46 female Ginkgo biloba plants were used as experimental materials to study the content differences of total flavonoids and their components in leaves during early and late growth stages.The superior plants with high flavonoid content for spring tea,extracting flavonoids and both were selected basing on cluster analysis.The main results are as follows:(1)The contents of total flavones and their components in leaves of G.biloba at the early growth stage were significantly higher than those at the late growth stage.There were significant differences in the contents of total flavones and their components in the leaves among the female plants of G.biloba at the two growth stages.(2)The contents of total flavonoids and their components in leaves of G.biloba L.had great variations among female plants.The variation coefficients of total flavonoids and their components in leaves of G.biloba L.were 21.06%-33.35%in early growth stage and 29.11%-50.13%in late growth stage.(3)Total flavonoids contents in leaves at the early and late growth stages were positively correlated with the contents of quercetin,kaempferol and isorhamnetin at the corresponding growth stages,respectively,and the contents of total flavonoids and their components in leaves at the early and late growth stages were positively correlated with the contents of quercetin,kaempferol and isorhamnetin at the corresponding growth stages.(4)Based on the contents of total flavonoids and three main components in the leaves at the early growth stage,12 superior plants for spring tea were screened,including 15,29,30,42,43,44,45,46,47,49,50 and 48.Based on the contents of total flavonoids and three main components in the leaves at late growth stage,8 superior plants for flavonoids extraction were screened,including 42,46,43,44,45,47,48 and 50.Based on the contents of total flavonoids in leaves at the early and late growth stages,9 excellent plants were selected,including 29,42,43,44,45,46,47,50 and 48,which could be used for extracting both ginkgo spring tea and flavonoids extraction.The three kinds of Ginkgo germplasms can be used as spring tea,flavonoid extraction and dual-use for further clonal propagation,regional trial or promotion.
作者 郁万文 韩晋 曹福亮 汪贵斌 Yu Wanwen;Han Jin;Cao Fuliang;Wang Guibin(Co-Innovation Center for the Sustainable Forestry in Southern China,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China;The Jiangsu Provincial Platform for Conservation and Utilization of Agricultural Germplasm,Nanjing 210037,China)
出处 《中国野生植物资源》 CSCD 2020年第2期19-26,共8页 Chinese Wild Plant Resources
基金 “十三五”国家重点研发计划重点专项(2017YFD0600701) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD)。
关键词 银杏雌株 高黄酮 定向筛选 Female Ginkgo biloba High flavonoids Directional screening
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