
A位掺杂Tm对重稀土铁氧体TbFeO3磁性及磁卡效应的影响 被引量:1

Effect of A-doped Tm on Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Effect of Heavy Rare Earth Ferrite Material TbFeO3
摘要 采用传统的高温固相反应法制备了Tb1-xTmxFeO3(x=0,0.2)多晶样品。系统研究了掺杂Tm对铁氧体TbFeO3磁性及磁卡效应的影响。结果表明:两样品均为正交结构,空间群为D^162h-pbnm;掺杂后样品特征spin-flip现象减弱,反铁磁性几乎消失,等温磁化强度和磁热效应减小;7T外场下,两样品的最大磁熵变ΔSM分别为-13.78、-11.59J/(kg·K),制冷能力(RC)分别为316.85、312.89J/kg。掺杂后样品表现出略低的负面影响,但是0.01T时相同温度下的磁化强度增强明显,最大磁熵变值和制冷能力仍然在较理想范围,可以作为磁制冷工质的候选。 Tb1-xTmxFeO3(x=0,0.2)polycrystalline samples were prepared by conventional high temperature solid phase reaction.The effects of doping Tm on the magnetic and magnetocaloric on ferrite TbFeO3 were systematically investigated.The results showed that both samples are orthogonal structures and the space group is D^162h-pbnm.After doping,the spin-flip phenomenon of the doped sample is weakened,the antiferromagneticity is almost disappeared,and the magnetization and magnetocaloric effect are reduced.Under the field of 7 T,the maximum magnetic entropy changeΔSM of the two samples were-13.78and-11.59J/(kg·K)respectively,and the refrigeration capacity(RC)were 316.85and 312.89J/kg respectively.The doped samples showed slightly lower negative effects,but the magnetization intensity increased at the same temperature at 0.01 T,and the maximum magnetic entropy change value and cooling capacity were still in the ideal ranges,so they could be candidates for magnetic refrigeration medium.
作者 陈红伟 曹凤泽 金香 徐宝 赵建军 李晓欣 藏宝 鲁毅 CHEN Hongwei;CAO Fengze;JIN Xiang;XU Bao;ZHAO Jianjun;LI Xiaoxin;ZANG Bao;LU Yi(Physics Institute of Science and Technology,Baotou Teachers College,Baotou 014030,Inner Mongolia,China;Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Material of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Baotou Teachers College,Baotou 014030,Inner Mongolia,China)
出处 《有色金属工程》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第3期1-6,共6页 Nonferrous Metals Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11164019,51562032,61565013) 内蒙古自然科学基金资助项目(2015MS0101,2015MS0109) 内蒙古高校科研重点项目(NJZZ11166,NJZY16237,NJZY12202) 包头市科技局项目(2015Z2011) 包头师范学院青年科学研究基金资助项目(BSYKJ2014-22)。
关键词 铁氧体 特征spin-flip现象 磁熵变 制冷能力 ferrite characteristic spin-flip phenomenon magnetic entropy change refrigeration capacity
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