During the Beiyang Government era,the University Senate system,as a guarantee of the Professor Management system of the Republican period,has undergone three evolutions in educational legislation.In 1912,the promulgation of“University Order”marked the legislative establishment of the university Senate system,and the Senate became the highest authority of the university.In 1917,with the promulgation of“Amendment of University Order”,the Professorship was abolished,and part of the power of the former Professorship was transferred to the Senate,thus the power of the Senate further expanded.In 1924,with the promulgation of“National University Regulations”,the Professorship was restored and a new Board of Directors was added,and the status of the Senate as the highest authority was challenged by the Board.Behind the three legislative evolutions of the University Senate,however,lies the ultimate pursuit of the Professor Management system,and the dilemma of its realization under the constraints of the government’s educational legislation system.
Journal of University of Jinan:Social Science Edition