
地被植物对广东常绿阔叶林土壤养分的指示作用 被引量:1

Indicative Effect of Ground Vegetation on Soil Nutrient Status in Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest of Guangdong
摘要 为了解地被植物群落对土壤养分的响应和指示作用,利用指示种分析(ISA)法研究了广东常绿阔叶林地被植物与土壤养分的关系。结果表明,速效氮(AN)、速效磷(AP)、速效钾(AK)和有机质(OM)的综合作用对地被植物分布有显著影响(P<0.05),且以速效磷>有机质>速效钾>速效氮。地被植物的组成与分布在不同AP和OM梯度中均有显著差异(P <0.05),但在不同AK和AN梯度中差异不显著。土壤AN≤270 mg/kg的指示种是广东蛇葡萄(Ampelopsis cantoniensis)和油点草(Tricyrtis macropoda),270~360 mg/kg的指示种是狗骨柴(Tricalysia dubia);AP≤2 mg/kg的指示种是华山姜(Alpinia chinensis);AK≤100mg/kg的指示种是赤楠蒲桃(Syzygiumbuxifolium),AK为100~150mg/kg的指示种是十字苔草(Carexcruciate),AK>150 mg/kg的指示种是金钗凤尾蕨(Pterisfauriei);OM> 0.8%的指示种是箬竹(Indocalamustessellatus),OM≤0.6%的指示种是华山姜(Alpinia chinensis)和蔓胡颓子(Elaeagnus glabra),OM为0.6%~0.8%的指示种是豆腐柴(Premna microphlla)。利用有效的地被植物调查方式来监测森林的土壤状况为森林经营管理及土壤健康评价带来方便。地被植物指示种对土壤养分的响应不但能为研究地的立地条件提供理论支撑,还能为该物种的人工栽培提供理论依据,这对于生物多样性保育、生境恢复的引种栽培有重要意义。 In order to understand the indicative function of ground vegetation to soil nutrient, the relation between ground vegetation and soil nutrient was studied in evergreen broad-leaved forest of Guangdong by using indicator species analysis(ISA). The results showed that the concentrations of available nitrogen(AN), available phosphorus(AP), available potassium(AK) and organic matter(OM) had significantly integrative effects on the distribution patterns of ground vegetation(P <0.05), with in the order of AP> OM > AK> AN. Indicator species were Ampelopsis cantoniensis and Tricyrtis macropoda for soil AN ≤270 mg/kg, Tricalysia dubia for 270-360 mg/kg of AN, and which was Alpinia chinensis for soil AP ≤2 mg/kg. The indicator species was Syzygium buxifolium for soil AK ≤100 mg/kg, Carex cruciata for 100~150 mg/kg of AK, and Pteris fauriei for AK >150 mg/kg. Indocalamus tessellatus was the indicator species for soil OM> 0.8%, Alpinia chinensis and Elaeagnus glabra for OM ≤ 0.6%, and Premna microphlla for OM at 0.6%-0.8%. Therefore, it was convenient for forest management and soil health evaluation to monitor soil condition of forest by using effective ground vegetation survey. The response of indicator species of ground vegetation to soil nutrients could not only provide theoretical support for the site conditions of the study area, but also provide theoretical basis for the artificial cultivation of the species, which was of great significance for the introduction and cultivation of the habitat reconstruction and biodiversity conservation.
作者 区余端 王楚彪 苏志尧 OU Yu-duan;WANG Chu-biao;SU Zhi-yao(College of Agriculture,Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang 524088,Guangdong,China;China Eucalyptus Research Center,Zhanjiang 524088,Guangdong,China;Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China;College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China)
出处 《热带亚热带植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期115-123,共9页 Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
基金 广东省林业科技创新项目(2018KJCX027) 广东省教育厅科研项目(2013LYM_0039)资助。
关键词 地被植物 土壤养分 指示作用 常绿阔叶林 Ground vegetation Soil nutrient Indicative function Evergreen broad-leaved forest
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