

On the Establishment and Division of the Socialist Youth League in Chengdu and Chongqing
摘要 四川历史上社会主义青年团的创建与发展历程,可以帮助人们加深对我国早期社会主义青年团建设的认识,对于推进新时代共产主义青年团事业具有重要意义。1922年6月和10月,四川区域的成渝两地先后创建了社会主义青年团。随着童庸生与王右木之间的矛盾不断激化以及关于四川区域团组织地点选择的定夺,成渝两地团组织关系变得十分复杂,加剧了成渝社会主义青年团的分治倾向。但是,成渝社会主义青年团长期分离产生的弊端以及后来四川党组织的建立,最终让四川区域的社会主义青年团实现了统一。四川区域成渝两地社会主义青年团的分合发展历程,给我国党团组织建设带来的重要启示是:必须始终坚持马克思主义的宣传和教育,必须始终坚持以党建带团建,必须始终坚持大局意识。 Understanding the history of the establishment and development of the Socialist Youth League in Sichuan can help deepen the understanding of the construction of the early Socialist Youth League in China,and is of significance for promoting the construction of the Communist Youth League in the new era.In June and October of 1922,the Socialist Youth League organizations were established in Chengdu and Chongqing respectively.The disagreement between Tong Yongsheng and Wang Youmu,and the venue selection of the Socialist Youth League organization of Sichuan made the relationship between the Socialist Youth League organizations in Chengdu and Chongqing very complicated and aggravated the separation of the Chengdu-Chongqing Socialist Youth League organizations.However,the negative consequences of the long-term separation of the socialist youth groups in Chengdu and Chongqing,and the establishment of the CPC organization in Sichuan eventually led to the unification of the socialist youth league organizations in the Sichuan.The history of the Socialist Youth League organizations in Chengdu and Chongqing reveals that in the construction of the party and youth league organizations,Marxism and the building of the party organizations must go first,and we must always adhere to an overall point of view.
作者 欧美强 Ou Meiqiang(Teaching Department of Ideological and Political Theory Course,Chengdu Polytechnic,Chengdu Sichuan,610041,China)
出处 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第1期62-69,共8页 Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 四川省社科规划项目“马克思主义传播与四川党团组织创建研究”(SC18B031)。
关键词 马克思主义 社会主义青年团 王右木 童庸生 成渝地区 Marxism Socialist Youth League Wang Youmu Tong Yongsheng Chengdu and Chongqing
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