2Nuno Nabais. Nietzsche and the Metaphysics of the Tragic. translated by Martin Earl. Continuum International Publishing Group, London 2006.
3M. S. Silk. Michael Stephen Nietzsche on Tragedy [ M . Cambridge University Press, 1981.
4Kunst, Wissenschaft und Geschichte bei Nietzsche, Quellenkri- tischeUntersuchungen von Aldo Venturelli, ubersetztausdemIt alienischen von Leonie Schr/der, Redakti yon Silke Richter, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2003.
6Eugen Fink. Nietzsehe's Philosophy [ M ]. Translated by Goetz Richter International Publishing Group Continuum, London 2003.
7The Nietzsche Reader. Edited by Keith Ansell Pearson andDuncan Large. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. , 2006.
8Raymond Geuss. Nietzsche: The Birth of Tragedy. Introduc- tions to Nietzsehe edited by Robert B. Pippin, Cambridge Uni- versity Press 2012.
9Daniel Came. The Aesthetic Justification of Existence. A Companion to Nietzsche, edited by Keith Ansell Pearson, Blackwe|l Publishing Ltd. , 2006.
10Bernard Reginster. The Affirmation of Life : Nietzsche on Over- coming Nihilism Harvard University Press, 2006.