
毒作用模式和有害结局路径的关系及其在风险评估中的应用 被引量:1

The association between mode of action and adverse outcome pathway and its application in risk assessment
摘要 风险评估方法是保障人类健康和环境安全的必要技术手段。基于动物实验获取毒性数据的传统风险评估,由于动物实验通量低、周期长、成本高和高剂量外推至人类暴露剂量的不确定性等问题,难以满足大量化学品亟需开展风险评估的需求。毒作用模式(MOA)和有害结局路径(AOP)风险评估框架的提出为我们开发新型、高效的评价方法指明了方向。本综述介绍了MOA和AOP的基本概念、内容以及两者之间的关系,并以丙烯酰胺(AA)为例,简述MOA/AOP框架在化学物风险评估中的具体应用,以期为更好运用MOA/AOP框架进行化学物风险评估提供理论指导。 Risk assessment is a necessary technical means to protect human health and environmental safety.Traditional risk assessment based on toxicity data obtained from animal experiments was difficult to meet the need for risk assessment for a large number of chemicals due to the low throughput,long cycle,high cost and uncertainty of extrapolation to human exposure dose.The proposed risk assessment frameworks,the model of action(MOA)and the adverse outcome pathway(AOP),pointed the way for us to develop new and efficient evaluation methods.In this review,the basic concepts and contents of MOA and AOP,as well as the relationship between them,were introduced.Taking acrylamide(AA)as an example,this review briefly described the application of MOA/AOP framework in chemical risk assessment,so as to provide theoretical guidance for better application of MOA/AOP framework in chemical risk assessment.
作者 黄河海 肖勇梅 Huang Hehai;Xiao Yongmei(Department of Occupational and Environmental Health,Faculty of Preventive Medicine,School of PublicHealth,Sun Yat?Sen University,Guangzhou 510080,China)
出处 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期219-223,共5页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划(2017YFC1600201)。
关键词 危险性评估 毒性作用 有害结局路径 Risk assessment Toxic actions Adverse outcome pathway
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