
科研人员流动中的性别差异研究 被引量:10

Research on Gender Differences in the Mobility of Scientific Researchers
摘要 [目的/意义]科研人员已成为知识经济时代重要的人才要素,其在全球范围内的流动关乎各国人才战略。分析科研人员流动的性别差异,有助于更好地了解流动模式,同时有利于国家人才引进机制的完善。[研究设计/方法]在分析流动频次、回流倾向、流动时期选择的性别差异基础上,提出三个研究假设,根据假设提取并分析了ORCID数据库中截止2017年底的有跨国流动经历的26,315位科研人员简历。[结论/发现]①科研人员在流动频次上具有显著的性别差异,女性科研人员的流动频次少于男性;当流动次数增加时,对应人员比例降低;②在回流倾向上,女性与男性并无显著差异,英国的男性和西班牙的女性最倾向于回流;③科研人员在流动时期的选择上无显著的性别差异,男女均在职业生涯早期流动更多。[创新/价值]揭示了男女科研人员在流动中的不同倾向,为进一步探讨不同背景和条件下的差异现象及本质并寻求解决方法奠定了基础。 [Purpose/Significance]Scientific researchers have become an important talent element in the era of knowledgedriven economy,and their international mobility is crucial to talent strategies for all countries.Analysis on gender differences in their mobility could help better understand the mobility model and improve the talent introduction mechanism.[Design/Methodology]This study proposed three hypotheses based on the analysis on moving frequency,returning tendency and moving time.Then,we obtained resumes from the ORCID website and analyzed the working experiences of 26,315 scientific researchers who had international mobility until 2017.[Findings/Conclusion]Firstly,there is a significant gender difference in the frequency of mobility as female scientific researchers have less mobility frequency than their male counterparts;the corresponding personnel ratio decreases while the mobility frequency increases;there is no significant gender difference between male and female in the rate of returning to the home countries.Secondly,British males and Spanish females are most inclined to return to their home countries.Thirdly,both male and female scientific researchers have more mobility in their early career stages whereas no significant gender difference has been found in the choice of mobility time.[Originality/Value]This study reveals the difference in mobility tendencies of male and female researchers,which lays a good foundation for further study of the differences and their essence in various contexts,as well as seeking solutions for the disparities.
作者 张宁 赵镇岳 李江 ZHANG Ning;ZHAO Zhenyue;LI Jiang
出处 《图书情报知识》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期24-31,共8页 Documentation,Information & Knowledge
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“学科交叉背景下的知识路径研究”(71673242)的研究成果之一。
关键词 科研人员流动 性别差异 流动频次 回流倾向 流动时期 T检验 开放研究者和贡献者标识符(ORCID) Mobility of scientific researchers Gender difference Mobility frequency Returning inclination Mobility time T test Open Researcher and Contributor ID(ORCID
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