
伤口速愈辅助治疗仪设计与实现 被引量:1

Design and realization of an auxiliary therapeutic instrument for wound healing
摘要 伤口皮肤速愈最主要的需求之一是氧气,它对新血管与结缔组织的重建和筑建感染防御能力具有重要意义.因此充足的氧气供给对难愈伤口的愈合起到关键作用,可有效抑制创面厌氧菌生长,改善局部创面有氧代谢,增加创面微循环,促进伤口快速愈合.设计一款伤口皮肤速愈辅助治疗仪,设备以MCU为核心,通过控制气动电磁阀的通断向伤口局部供氧,并结合治疗仪的磁疗、红外加热及强度等功能,经试验结果显示具有良好的功效,可有效提高创面血氧饱和度,促进创面结痂,利于伤口速愈.系统还搭载物联网开发平台,通过手机APP端控制,操作方便、简单,满足患者实际治疗需求,具有很好的扩展性及市场推广价值. As one of the most essential requirements for the quick healing of the wounded skin,oxygen is important for rebuilding new blood vessels and connective tissue and building defenses against infection.Therefore,adequate oxygen supply plays a key role in the healing of refractory wounds.It can effectively inhibit the growth of anaerobic bacteria on the wound,improve the aerobic metabolism of local wounds,and increase the microcirculation and the rapid healing.So a wound auxiliary therapeutic apparatus for the quick healing of wounded skin is designed.The equipment takes MCU as the core,supplies oxygen to the wound through the controlling of the on-off of pneumatic solenoid valve,and combines the functions of magnetic therapy,the infrared heating and intensity of the treatment instrument.The test results show that it has good effects,can effectively improve the blood oxygen saturation of the wound,promote the scab formation,and is conducive to the quick healing of the wound.The system is also equipped with the development platform of the Internet of things,which is controlled by the APP terminal of the mobile phone;is easy to operate and meets the actual treatment needs of patients,and has good expansibility and market promotion value.
作者 林建华 魏有法 LIN Jian-Hua;WEI You-fa(Minnan University of Science and Technology,Shishi,Fujian 362700,China)
机构地区 闽南理工学院
出处 《宁德师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2020年第1期35-41,共7页 Journal of Ningde Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 福建省虚拟仿真实验教学中心项目“电工电子与高压变电站虚拟仿真实验教学中心”.
关键词 创伤 氧气治疗 创面愈合 治疗仪 局部氧疗 trauma oxygen therapy wound healing therapeutic apparatus local oxygen therapy
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