
崇左市边境口岸与城市经济耦合发展研究 被引量:2

Research on Coupling Development of Chongzuo Border Port and Urban Economy
摘要 崇左市拥有11个对外开放口岸,具备发展口岸经济的先天优势。发展口岸经济同样需要腹地城市经济的大力支撑,口岸经济与腹地城市经济应走一体化的发展道路,即耦合协调发展。运用耦合协调度模型对崇左市口岸经济和腹地城市经济发展水平进行了具体的测度和评价,发现近年来二者协调发展程度不断提高,但腹地城市经济现已落后于口岸经济的发展。提出崇左市要在口岸经济发展目标的指引下,调整全市的产业经济结构,使全市产业发展充分对接口岸经济,形成口岸与城市耦合协调发展的理想状态。 Chongzuo City has 11 ports open to the outside world and has the inherent advantages of developing the port economy. The development of the port economy also requires the strong support of the hinterland city economy. The port economy and the hinterland city economy should follow the integrated development path, that is, coupled and coordinated development. The coupling and coordination degree model was used to measure and evaluate the development level of Chongzuo port economy and hinterland city economy. It was found that the degree of coordinated development of the two has been increasing in recent years, but the hinterland city economy has lagged behind the development of port economy. It is proposed that Chongzuo City should adjust the city’s industrial economic structure under the guidance of the port economic development goals, so that the city’s industrial development can fully meet the port economy and form an ideal state of coupling and coordinated development between the port and the city.
作者 金钢 Jin Gang(Guangxi Teachers College for Nationalities,Chongzuo 532200,China)
出处 《对外经贸》 2020年第1期95-98,共4页 FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS & TRADE
基金 广西民族师范学院国际经济与贸易特色专业2019-2020教师能力提升项目“崇左市边境口岸与地方经济耦合发展研究”的研究成果(项目编号:CACRC2018TP14)。
关键词 口岸经济 耦合发展 中国东盟 Port Economy Coupling Development China-Asean
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