

Investigation on Teaching Feasibility of MOOC Teaching in Financial Report and Analysis--A Case Study of Guangdong Polytechnic College
摘要 慕课、微课等网络线上课程的兴起,对传统的线下教学形成了极大的冲击,高校对网课和传统课进行了一系列的对比,试图找出网课取代线下课堂的理由。基于优课联盟慕课教学平台,通过调查广东理工学院会计学院大二财务管理专业366名学生对财务报告与分析慕课学习状况,探讨财务报告与分析慕课教学的可行性。 The development of online courses,such as MOOC and micro-course,has made a great impact on the traditional offline teaching. Colleges and universities have made a series of comparisons between the online course and the traditional class,trying to find out the reason why the online course replaces the offline classroom. This paper investigates 366 students majoring in financial management in the accounting department of Guangdong Polytechnic college and discusses the feasibility of the teaching of Financial reporting and Analysis by investigating 366 students majoring in Financial reporting and Analysis on the basis of the University Open Online Course.
作者 王小春 杜芊芊 Wang Xiaochun;Du Qianqian(Guangdong Polytechnic College,Zhaoqing Guangdong 526100)
出处 《对外经贸》 2019年第12期130-132,135,共4页 FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS & TRADE
基金 广东理工学院2019年质量工程项目“财务报告与分析在线开放课程应用的阶段性成果”(项目编号:ZXKCYY2019009) 广东理工学院2019年质量工程项目“以创新创业为导向的财务管理专业慕课教学探索”的阶段性成果(项目编号:JXGG2019010)。
关键词 财务报告与分析 网络问卷调查 慕课教学 Financial Report and Analysis Network Questionnaire Survey MOOC Teaching
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