在关于工会革新的众多讨论中,劳工的"力量来源分析方法"(power resources approach,PRA)成为一种颇具启发性的研究框架。该方法的前提和基础在于,有组织的劳工能够成功地集体动员各种力量和资源来维护自己的权益。该研究方法极大地影响了学者研究工会复兴和劳资冲突问题的方式,世界各国的研究者开始将工会革新看成是工会组织使用各种力量资源建设新工会的过程。文章介绍了该方法作为一种分析工具的发展历程及其基本原理,包括力量来源分析方法的起源、如何从不同角度使用该方法、应用力量来源分析方法时应当考虑的战略环境以及在不稳定国家、发达国家的边缘化社会如何动员劳工力量等问题。
In the discussion on trade union renewal,the power resources approach(PRA)has emerged as a research heuristic.The PRA is founded on the basic premise that organised labour can successfully defend its interests by collective mobilisation of power resources.This idea has significantly shaped the way scholars are dealing with the issue of union revitalisation and labour conflict,as studies from different world regions have examined union renewal as a process of utilising existing power resources while attempting to develop new ones.This editorial introduces the analytical tool of power resources by analysing its development and by presenting its basic tenets.In what follows,we will first describe the origins of the power resources approach.In the next section we will present a specific variety of the approach applied in this Special Issue.After that,we will discuss the relevance of the strategic context in applying the power resources approach by referring to the papers in this Special Issue,and finally we will discuss the mobilisation of labour power in societies in a state of fragile stability and in marginalised communities in developed countries.
Labour Union Studies
trade union renewal
the force of labour
the power resources approach
strategic choice