
不同改良模式对滨海盐渍土土壤理化性质的影响 被引量:16

Effect of Different Improvement Modes on Physical and Chemical Characters of the Coastal Saline Soil
摘要 作为中国重要的生态保护和土地后备资源区,黄河三角洲地区土壤盐渍化现象较为严重,因此探究不同功能性物料对其土壤理化性质的影响可为滨海盐渍土土壤改良和提高农作物产量提供理论依据。以黄河三角洲轻中度(T1)和重度(T2)滨海盐渍土为研究对象,采取秸秆覆盖(F1)、秸秆掩埋(F2)和秸秆覆盖+掩埋(F3)3种秸秆还田方式与脱硫石膏(A)、有机肥(B)和脱硫石膏+有机肥(C)3种改良剂添加方式组成多种改良模式开展改良试验,通过对比分析不同改良模式对盐渍土土壤理化性状及土壤养分变化的影响,探究不同程度滨海盐渍土的最优改良组合。结果表明:成熟期与返青期相比,T1F2C处理的土壤含水率达最高值(40.65%),土壤电导率均较其对照处理呈现最大降幅(35.57%),盐分抑制效率(SIE)值达最高值(31.83%);T2F3C处理的土壤含水率均值高达29.26%,SIE值上升18.88%;T1和T2的土壤养分指标均呈现不同幅度的增加。得出以下结论:不同秸秆还田方式均可降低土壤盐分并起到保水保肥的作用,总体以F3>F2>F1的效果呈现。对于控制水分损失、有效抑制土壤盐分表聚的作用来说,C>A>B;对于提高土壤肥力、增加土壤养分有效性的效果,C>B>A。总体上,F2C和F3C处理分别对于T1和T2土壤的水盐改善和养分提高效果较优,为两种程度盐渍土的最佳改良模式,可推广使用。对于不同秸秆还田方式下施肥对土壤养分含量的影响,F1和F3方式与土壤有机质含量,F1方式与土壤有效磷和速效钾含量,F2和无秸秆处理方式(CK)与土壤碱解氮含量在一定程度上呈显著或极显著正相关关系。 The Yellow River Delta is an important ecological protection base and land reserve resource area in China, which has been suffering from severe soil salinization. Therefore, exploring the effects of different functional materials on soil physical and chemical properties can provide theoretical basis for improving coastal saline soils and increasing crop yields. In this study, light-medium(T1) and severe(T2) coastal saline soils in the Yellow River Delta were taken as research objects. Three types of straw applications: straw mulch(F1), straw burial(F2), and straw mulch plus straw burial(F3), and three kinds of modifiers addition: desulfurization gypsum(A), organic fertilizer(B) and desulfurization gypsum plus organic fertilizer(C), were combined into multiple improvement modes to conduct improvement experiments. By comparing and analyzing the effects of different improvement models on the physicochemical properties and nutrient changes of saline soils, the optimal improvement modes of coastal saline soils with different salinization levels were explored. Compared with returning green stage, soil moisture content of T1F2C treatment reached the highest value(40.65%) in the mature period, besides the average value of soil electrical conductivity showed the largest decrease(35.57%) compared with that under control treatment, and the salt inhibition efficiency(SIE) value reached the highest value(31.83%). Simultaneously the average moisture content of soils treated by T2F3C was as high as 29.26%, and the SIE value increased by 18.88%. The soil nutrients of T1 and T2 increased in different ranges. The following conclusions were drawn: straw application can reduce soil salinity and play a role in retaining water and fertilizer, and the order of overall effects is F3>F2>F1;The combined apllication of desulfurized gypsum and organic fertilizer(C) has the best effect on controlling water loss and inhibiting the accumulation of soil salt, followed by separate use of organic fertilizer(B) and desulfurized gypsum(A). Generally, F2C and F3C treatments have better effects on water and salt improvement and nutrient enhancement of T1 and T2 soils, respectively, indicating that they are the best improvement models for light-medium and severe coastal saline soils, respectively. In addition, significant or extremely significant positive correlations were found between F1/F3 treatments and SOC content, F1 treatment and the content of soil available phosphorus and available potassium, as well as F2/CK treatments and soil alkaline nitrogen content, which revealled the effect of straw application on soil nutrients.
作者 张子璇 牛蓓蓓 李新举 ZHANG Zixuan;NIU Beibei;LI Xinju(National Engineering Laboratory for Efficient Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer Resources,Tai’an 271018,China;College of Resources and Environment,Shandong Agricultural University,Tai’an 271018,China)
出处 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期275-284,共10页 Ecology and Environmental Sciences
基金 山东省重大科技创新工程项目(2017CXGC0301)。
关键词 水盐动态 土壤养分 秸秆覆盖 秸秆掩埋 water and salt dynamics soil nutrient straw mulching straw burying
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