
系统功能语言学视域下小学语文教学的问题与策略——基于统编版教材的分析 被引量:1

Teaching Problems and Strategies of Primary School Chinese Textbooksthe Perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics——Analysis Based on Chinese Textbooks Prepared by Ministry of Education
摘要 系统功能语言学及其相应的教育语言学认为,学生的读写能力在现当代是一种多元读写能力,具体包括掌握不同的语类,使用语言与图画等表意符号认知世界、与人交往、组织信息,并且能够透过表层意义把握深层次的主题。以此为参照,目前基于统编版教材的小学语文教学普遍存在三个问题:强调汉语字词学习,忽略语类、语篇及词汇语法等语言层次的讲解;重视语言符号,忽略图画符号及其表意系统;文本分析为简单的阅读理解,缺乏高层次逻辑推理和深入的主题分析。文章提出三项应对问题的教学策略:丰富课程整体设计;加强教师语言理论、视觉语法和文学阅读培训;借鉴悉尼学派“读写一体教学法”组织课堂教学。这三者交相呼应贯穿于语义、图画和文学教学中。 Systemic Functional Linguistics and its descendant Educational Linguistics argue that students’literacy in the modern era should be multi-literacy,which consists of the mastery of a variety of genres;the capability of construing our world,interacting with other language users and constructing a coherent discourse through language and other semiosis;and the skill of interpreting texts on a deeper level.Departing from this perspective,the teaching of primary school Chinese through the textbooks prepared by Ministry of Education presents three problems:The majority of teaching efforts were spent on Chinese characters with less consideration of other language aspects such as genre,discourse,and grammar;too much attention was paid to language symbols while the images and their semiotic system of meaning resources were ignored;text-reading was treated merely as a simple comprehension and lacked logical inferences and analytical interpretations.Therefore,this paper,accordingly,proposes three teaching strategies:first,enriching curriculum contents;second,strengthening teacher-training on language theory,visual grammar and literature reading,and improving classroom teaching based on Sydney School’s pedagogy“Reading to Learn”.
作者 谢妮妮 宋成方 XIE Nini;SONG Chengfang(School of Foreign Languages, Northwest University of Political Science and Law,Xi’an Shaanxi, 710122;School of International Studies, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, 100029)
出处 《现代基础教育研究》 2020年第1期182-187,共6页 Research on Modern Basic Education
关键词 系统功能语言学 统编版小学语文教材 语义 图画 文学教学 Systemic Functional Linguistics Chinese textbooks prepared by Ministry of Education semantics image literature teaching
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