
受弯开孔薄板弹性屈曲性能分析与计算方法研究 被引量:1

Analysis on Elastic Buckling Performance and Research on the Calculating Method of Perforated Thin Plates under Bending
摘要 用有限元软件ABAQUS建立开孔薄板受弯屈曲分析计算模型,分析板件的长宽比、宽厚比、开孔形状、开孔尺寸、开孔位置和开孔间距等对开孔受弯板件弹性屈曲性能的影响.结果表明,板件的长宽比及宽厚比对开孔受弯板件的弹性屈曲性能影响不大;不同开孔形状如开圆孔及开长圆孔,对受弯板件的屈曲稳定系数有不同程度影响,开长圆孔的屈曲模式更复杂;随着开孔尺寸的增加,对受弯板件屈曲的影响越大;开孔间距满足一定限制条件时的影响不大;开孔位置对受弯板件屈曲的影响较明显.根据有限元分析所得结果进行回归分析,给出开孔受弯板件屈曲稳定系数k的计算公式. This article is to establish calculation models for bent bucking of perforated thin plates with ABAQUS-the finite element software,analyze the influence of parameters,such as,length to width ratio,flakiness ratio,hole shape,hole dimension,hole location,and hole spacing of plate,on elastic buckling performance of perforated bent plates.The result shows that,the length to width ratio and width to thickness ratio show little effect on elastic buckling performance of perforated bent plate;different shapes of holes,such as round hole and long round hole,have varying degrees of influences on buckling stability coefficient of bent plate,and the long round hole has more complex buckling mode;with the increase of hole size,the effect on buckling of bending plates turns the greater;the impact is small when the inside-hole spacing satisfies certain restrictive conditions;the position of hole opening shows obvious influence on bent plate buckling.The regression analysis is based on finite element analysis results and a suggested formula for buckling stability factor k of open-hole bent plate is given.
作者 苏坚艺 姚行友 郭彦利 柳亚华 胡翌 Su Jianyi;Yao Xingyou;Guo Yanli;Liu Yahua;Hu Yi(School of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang, 330099, China;Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Hydraulic & Civil Engineering Infrastructure Security, Nanchang 330099, China)
出处 《宁夏大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2020年第1期57-62,68,共7页 Journal of Ningxia University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 江西省教育厅科研技术研究基金资助项目(GJJ170983) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51868049) 江西省自然科学基金资助项目(20181BAB206040) 2018年南昌工程学院大学生创新创业训练计划基金资助项目(NIT-38) 南昌工程学院第十六届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛基金资助项目(NIT-11)。
关键词 受弯板件 开孔薄板 弹性屈曲 屈曲稳定系数 bent plates perforated plate elastic buckling buckling stability coefficient
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