
北京化工大学十五年科学基金资助情况回顾与分析 被引量:4

A review and analysis of NSFC funding in Beijing University of Chemical Technology in the past 15 years
摘要 国家自然科学基金是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,用以资助自然科学基础研究及部分应用研究。北京化工大学创办于1958年,原名北京化工学院,是新中国为"培养尖端科学技术所需求的高级化工人才"而创建的一所高水平大学。作为教育部直属的全国重点大学,国家"211工程"和"‘985’优势学科创新平台"重点建设院校,国家"一流学科"建设高校,北京化工大学肩负着高层次创新人才培养和基础性、前瞻性科学研究以及原创性高新技术开发的使命。北京化工大学经过60年的建设已经发展成为理科基础坚实,工科实力雄厚,管理学、经济学、法学、文学、教育学、哲学、医学等学科富有特色的多科性重点大学。在国家科技体制机制改革和"双一流"建设的形势下,国家自然科学基金已成为北京化工大学基础研究的重要支撑和科研经费的主要渠道之一,在鼓励原始创新、培养人才、产出成果和推动学科交叉建设等方面发挥了重要作用。北京化工大学的基础研究工作在国家自然科学基金资助下取得了较快的发展。值此北京化工大学建校60周年华诞之际,本文以我校2003年-2017年申请与获批国家自然科学基金数据库为基础,回顾了北京化工大学近十五来年国家自然科学基金项目的申请和资助情况,重点分析了北京化工大学国家自然科学基金项目资助数量、经费、类别、学部分布,以及负责人的学科、年龄、学历和职称分布,同时梳理了北京化工大学十五年以来国家自然科学基金项目管理工作情况,从国家自然科学基金项目的申报、执行过程、结题验收、项目经费、结余资金和档案归档管理等几个方面加以分析,总结了国家自然科学基金组织管理的工作成效、经验和不足。以期探索完善我校国家自然科学基金项目管理水平提升的有效途径,为今后学校制定科学发展战略和科技政策提供参考依据,并对今后更加有效地促进学校基础研究的持续发展提出建议。 The national natural science fund is an important part of the national innovation system, which is used to support basic research and some applied research of natural science. Beijing University of Chemical Technology is a high-level university that aims to develop chemical talent at the cutting-edge of science and technology. The university was established in 1958 and formerly known as Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology. As a national key university directly affiliated to the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, and as one of the Project 211 universities and 985 Project Innovation Platforms, Beijing University of Chemical Technology has responsibilities for basic and applied scientific research;original, high-tech development;and the training of high-level, innovative talent. With 60 years of history, Beijing University of Chemical Technology has become a multi-disciplinary university with a solid foundation in science and engineering, as well as other distinctive disciplines such as management, economics, law, literature, education, philosophy, medical sciences. Under the situation of the reform of the national scientific and technological system and the construction of "world-class universities and world-class disciplines", the National Natural Science Foundation of China has become an important support for fundamental research and one of the main channels for scientific research funds of Beijing University of Chemical Technology. It has played an important role in many aspects,such as encouraging original innovation, yielding achievements, training talents, output of achievements and promoting the construction of interdisciplinary disciplines. The basic research work of Beijing University of Chemical Technology has obtained rapid development in the past years with the support of National Natural Science Foundation of China. On the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, based on the database of Beijing University of Chemical Technology for application and funding of National Natural Science Foundation of China from 2003-2017. This article analyzed the projects of Beijing University of Chemical Technology applied for and funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China during the past 15 years. It mainly focused on the analysis of the number, funding, types, departments and disciplines of projects funded of the projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China as well as the age, degree, educational background and professional title of the project managers. At the same time, this paper reviews the project management of the National Natural Science Foundation of Beijing Chemical University in the past 15 years, and analyses the application management, execution process management, final acceptance management, project fund management, balance fund management and archives filing management of the projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China,and summarizes the achievements, experiences and short-comings during National Natural Science Foundation of China projects management. The aim of this study is to explore the effective of National Natural Science Foundation of China in Beijing University of Chemical Technology and to provide consultation for establishment of university scientific development strategy and scientific policy. And some suggestions are made on continuous development of basic scientific researches, so as to advance effectively the application and management of NSFC in Beijing University of Chemical Technology.
作者 乔望 徐帅 杨小平 Qiao Wang;Xu Shuai;Yang Xiaoping(Office of Scientific Research and Development,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期273-279,共7页 Science Research Management
关键词 国家自然科学基金 北京化工大学 科研管理 NSFC Beijing University of Chemical Technology scientific research management
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