

Research on detection technology of malicious download link of Android application based on micro traffic
摘要 为解决快速检测识别Android应用下载链接的恶意性,提出了Android应用解析、文件还原方法。在此基础上,提出了基于微流量的Android恶意应用下载链接检测技术。 To solve the problem of quickly detecting and identifying the malicious link of the Android application download link,an Android application file parsing and download restoration method is proposed.Based on this,a micro-flow based Android malicious application download link detection technology is proposed.
作者 张二鹏 彭华熹 ZHANG Erpeng;PENG Huaxi(Institute of Security Technology,China Mobile Research Institute,Beijing 100053,China)
出处 《信息通信技术与政策》 2020年第2期35-40,共6页 Information and Communications Technology and Policy
关键词 ANDROID应用 下载链接 文件还原 检测技术 Android application download link file restore detect technology
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