

A Study on Xi Jin-ping’s Historical Thought
摘要 历史思维是习近平思维方式的一个突出特点。习近平历史思想是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分。在历史的本质问题上,强调历史就是历史,历史不能任意选择;在历史发展的动力问题上,强调人民是历史的创造者,群众是真正的英雄;在历史的功能问题上,强调重视、研究、借鉴历史,可以给人类带来很多了解昨天、把握今天、开创明天的智慧;在历史与现实的关系问题上,强调历史是过去的现实,现实是未来的历史;在对待历史的态度问题上,强调要本着"择其善者而从之,其不善者而去之"的科学态度,从中获得启发,为我所用;在历史启示问题上,强调历史上发生的很多事情可以作为今天的镜鉴;在学习研究历史的重要性和方法上,强调历史研究是一切社会科学的基础,承担着究天人之际、通古今之变的使命。 Historical thinking is a prominent feature of Xi Jin-ping’s way of thinking.Xi Jin-ping’s historical thought is an important part of Xi Jin-ping’s socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era.As to the nature of history,it is emphasized that history is history,and history can’t be chosen arbitrarily.As to the issue of the driving force of historical development,it is emphasized that the people are the creators of history and the masses are the true heroes.As to the issue of the function of history,it is emphasized that valuing,researching and learning from history can bring a lot of wisdom to people to understand yesterday,grasp today,and create tomorrow;on the relationship between history and reality,emphasizing that history is the reality of the past and reality is the history of the future.As to the is attitude of history that we should adopt the scientific attitude of choosing those who are good and leaving those who are not good,and get inspiration from them for our use.As to the issue of historical revelation,stressing that many things that happened in history can be used as mirrors of today.As to the importance and methods of studying history,it is emphasized that historical research is the foundation of all social sciences,and it assumes the mission of studying heaven and man and changing from the past to the modern.
作者 王思怀 王宗运 王振 WANG Si-huai;WANG Zong-yun;WANG Zhen(School of Marxism,Shangluo University,Shangluo 726000,Shaanxi;School of Humanities,Shangluo University,Shangluo 726000,Shaanxi)
出处 《商洛学院学报》 2020年第1期1-10,共10页 Journal of Shangluo University
关键词 习近平历史思想 历史本质 历史发展动力 历史功能 历史启示 Xi Jin-ping’s historical thought historical essence historical development driving force historical function historical inspiration
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