

Investigation on the General Situation of Rice Producers in Hunan Province
摘要 为了了解当前湖南省水稻种植从业人员的基本情况,提高水稻生产相关政策制定和技术研发推广的针对性和落实效果,对全省14个市州29个县区的435名水稻种植从业人员进行问卷调查。结果表明:当前湖南省水稻种植从业人员的年轻化程度、文化水平、万元以上收入人员比例和主营种植人员比例均随种植规模增大而有所提高,但是群体出现老龄化,且文化水平偏低。针对这一现状,提出要重视不同水稻种植规模农户群体的特征差异,并对其进行精准施策和技术推广,重视农业社会化服务机构在农业新技术新产品推广应用中的作用,最大限度保障粮食生产;同时,要从多方入手,提高种稻经济效益,吸引更多青年人才从事水稻生产,最大限度降低稻农老龄化的不利影响。 In order to understand the current situation of rice producers in Hunan Province,and to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of rice production-related policy formulation and technology research,development and popularization,a questionnaire survey was conducted among 435 rice producers in 29 counties and districts in 14 cities and prefectures across the province.The results show that the rice producers tend to be younger,meanwhile,the educational level,the proportion of rice producers with annual income above 10,000 yuan,and the proportion of people who mainly grow rice have increased with the increase of planting scale in Hunan Province,but the aging problem and relatively low cultural level also accompany this group.In view of this situation,it is proposed to pay attention to the differences in the characteristics of farmer groups of different rice planting scales,thus to implement precise strategies and technology extensions.And the role of agricultural socialization service agencies in the promotion and application of new agricultural technologies and products should be valued to ensure food production to the maxium extend.At the same time,we must start from multiple sources to improve the economic benefits of rice cultivation,attract more young talents to engage in rice production,and minimize the adverse effects of aging of rice farmers.
作者 戴力 肖志芳 王立峰 黄凤林 谢红军 高杜娟 朱国奇 方宝华 DAI Li;XIAO Zhi-fang;WANG Li-feng;HUANG Feng-lin;XIE Hong-jun;GAO Du-juan;ZHU Guo-qi;FANG Bao-hua(Hunan Rice Research Institute,Changsha 410125,PRC;Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,PRC;Hunan Biotechnology Research Institute,Changsha 410125,PRC)
出处 《湖南农业科学》 2020年第2期99-102,共4页 Hunan Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFD03010062)。
关键词 稻农 种植规模 老龄化 文化水平 湖南 rice producer planting scale aging cultural level Hunan
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