

The Comparasion of Five Estimation Models of Residual Feed Intake of Duroc Pigs and Correlation Analysis Between Corrected Performance and RFI
摘要 使用SPSS软件统计分析2017—2019年在农业农村部种猪质量监督检验测试中心(广州)集中测定的359头杜洛克种猪生长性能测定成绩,通过5种模型估算杜洛克猪剩余采食量(RFI)与饲料效率、背膘厚、眼肌面积、日增重等生长指标的相关性,根据RFI高低分组进行了相关分析。发现5种模型估算的RFI均与饲料效率有极显著相关(P<0.01),都可用来估测杜洛克种猪饲料效率;5种模型的RFI与背膘厚、眼肌面积的关系表现出两种相反的趋势:a、b、d、e模型中,低RFI组背膘更厚;c模型中,低RFI组背膘更薄,所以可能低RFI组瘦肉率更低。同时c、d、e模型低RFI组表现出与生长速度更慢(P<0.05)、c、d模型低RFI组表现出日增重更低的趋势(P<0.05)。其呈现的规律提示可能低RFI杜洛克猪虽然饲料效率较好,但生长会更慢、瘦肉率会更低。所以选择RFI模型估算杜洛克种猪瘦肉率、生长速度相关指标时,需要考虑更多生产实际需求。 The data indicated that there was a significant correlation between feed efficiency and RFI that estimated by all five models(P<0.01).All of them can be used to estimate the feed efficiency of Duroc pigs;the relationship between RFI and backfat thickness and lion muscle area of five models shows two opposite trends:in model a,b,d and e,the backfat of low RFI group is thicker;but in model c,the backfat of low RFI group is thinner,so it means the lean meat rate of low RFI group may be lower.And the low RFI group of model c,d,e showed a slower growth rate(P<0.05),and the low RFI group of model c,d showed a lower average daily weight gain(P<0.05).The results showed that although the feed efficiency of low RFI pigs was better,the growth rate would be slower and the lean meat rate would be lower.Therefore,when selecting RFI model to estimate lean meat rate and growth rate of Duroc pigs,more actual production needs should be considered.
作者 李亮 樊福好 曹长仁 谢水华 刘建营 郭建超 LI Liang;FAN Fuhao;CAO Changren;XIE Shuihua;LIU Jianying;GUO Jianchao(Guangdong Animal Husbandry Technology Extension,Guangzhou 510520,China)
出处 《养猪》 2020年第2期53-56,共4页 Swine Production
关键词 杜洛克猪 剩余采食量 饲料效率 种公猪 Duroc pig residual feed intake feed efficiency terminal sire
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