
特朗普政府对华投资保护政策的新进展与中国对策 被引量:6

New Progress and China’s Countermeasures of Investment Protection Policy of the Trump Administration to China
摘要 美国对华投资保护逐渐加强,并呈现出新表现和新特点。美国对华投资保护政策转变的原因包括:美国通过遏制中国的科技创新能力来巩固其全球科技领导地位;美国各界对"中国崛起"达成新的共识;美国对中国对外投资规模和投资模式的担忧;"非对称"和"非互惠"的双边投资准入政策等等。除此之外,美国对华投资保护政策存在以下影响:未来双边或多边投资框架协定可能会朝着更加有利于"美国优先"的方向发展;美国对华投资保护的不断升级或将产生连锁反应;美国将重点打压中国高端制造业和技术密集型产业投资;美国通过重塑和强化以美国为主导的全球价值链阻碍中国向价值链高端攀升。 U.S. investment protection to China has been strengthened gradually and presented new performance and characteristics.The reasons for the change of U.S. investment protection policy to China mainly include many aspects. United States is consolidating its global scientific and technological leadership by curbing China’s technological innovation capabilities.New consensus will be reached on the rise of China.U.S. concerns about the scale and pattern of Chinese outbound investment. Bilateral investment flows are asymmetricand market access of investment policy is non-reciprocal between U.S. and China.In addition, U.S. investment protection policy to China has the following impacts.Bilateral or multilateral investment framework agreement may develop towards more favorable to "America first" in the future. U.S. investment protection to China is likely to escalate and may have a chain reaction. U.S. will focus on cracking down China’s investment in high-end manufacturing and technology-intensive industries. United States will prevent China from moving up the value chain by reshaping and intensifying U.S.-led global value chain.
作者 姜伟 孙楚仁 JIANG Wei;SUN Churen(Beijing University of Technology;Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)
出处 《国际贸易》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期70-77,共8页 Intertrade
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目“人民币汇率波动对美国汇率与贸易法案投票的影响及传导机理研究”(71703005) 国家社科基金重大项目“一带一路区域价值链构建与中国产业转型升级研究”(18ZDA039) 上海市教育发展基金会“曙光计划”项目“我国城市比较优势研究”(14SG51) 国家自然科学基金重点课题“我国产业集聚演进与新动能培育发展研究”(71733001)的阶段性成果。
关键词 特朗普政府 投资保护政策 外资安全审查制度 全球价值链 Trump administration investment protection policy censorship of foreign investment security global value chain
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