
消费者焦虑心理与策略行为下创新产品促销与定价 被引量:5

Innovative Product Promotion and Pricing Considering Consumer Anxiety and Strategic Behavior
摘要 针对策略型消费者和短视型消费者并存的市场,考虑消费者面对创新产品上市时焦虑心理对购买决策的影响,研究了创新产品的促销与定价决策优化问题。构建了反映消费者焦虑心理的效用函数,并根据不同类型消费者的决策行为得出两阶段需求函数,分别建立了在不促销和促销时的决策模型,分析了两种模型下的最优定价策略。研究发现促销决策下的两阶段定价高于不促销,增值因子与两阶段定价均呈正相关关系,策略型消费者占比与第一阶段定价呈负相关关系,与第二阶段定价呈正相关关系;消费者的策略行为对促销和不促销时的利润均产生消极影响;消费者对促销决策的反应程度较大时,企业的盈利水平更高。最后文章通过数值分析验证了理论模型的科学性和可靠性。 For the market where strategic consumers and short-sighted consumers coexist,considering the impact of anxiety on purchasing decisions when consumers face the launch of innovative products,the optimization of sales promotion and pricing decisions for innovative product are studied.The utility function reflecting consumer anxiety is constructed,and the two-stage demand functions are derived according to the decision behavior of different types of consumers.The decision models under promotion and non-promotion are established respectively,and the optimal pricing strategies under the two models are analyzed.The research shows that the two-stage pricing under the promotion decision is higher than the non-promotion,the value-added factor is positively correlated with the two-stage pricing,the strategic consumer ratio is negatively correlated with the first-stage pricing,and positively correlated with the second-stage pricing;consumers'strategic behavior has a negative impact on both promotions and non-promotional profits;when consumers respond more to promotion decisions,the company's profitability is higher.Finally,the paper proves the scientificity and reliability of the theoretical model through numerical analysis.
作者 经有国 李胜男 JING Youguo;LI Shengnan(School of Management and Economics,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650093,China)
出处 《物流科技》 2020年第4期23-27,33,共6页 Logistics Sci-Tech
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71461014,71861020,71562024) 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(18YJA630089) 云南省哲学社会科学研究基地课题项目(JD2018YB11)。
关键词 创新产品 策略行为 焦虑心理 促销 两阶段定价 innovative products strategic behavior anxiety psychology promotion two-stage pricing
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