As a macro policy tool option to hedge the economic downturn,the US Federal Reserve has cut interest rates three times in the past year,followed by more than 30 countries around the world,and the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank have re-expanded,and monetary policy has once again entered a loose track;At the same time,expansionary fiscal policies such as expanding the scale of national debt issuance,increasing the deficit rate,and tax reductions are coming to the fore.Thanks to the support of loose monetary policies,global stock markets and bonds have collectively entered a bull market,and commodities such as oil and gold have also performed well.As the central banks of major countries in the world push down currency rates,the bond market has seen a new landscape of large areas of negative interest rates,and the U.S.government bond market has even seen interest rate inversions.In addition,as a new species in the financial market,blockchain-based digital currencies are used globally.Advancing on a large scale,the advent of legal digital currencies is just around the corner;however,due to frequent and constant international trade frictions and frequent geopolitical conflicts,international capital mergers and acquisitions have experienced a significant decline.Judging by the trend of international finance in 2020,the overall conclusion is that the long and short forces stimulate the game and maintain a weak balance,and a more peaceful development pattern will emerge in the market.
Decision & Information
Monetary Policy
Fiscal Policy
Negative Interest Rate
Price Inversion
Long-Short Game And Balance