
“以文化人”语义的学理澄明与实践意义 被引量:1

Theoretical Clarification and Practical Significance of Semantics of“Moulding People with Culture”
摘要 在其原初的语义中,“以文化人”是封建帝王维护统治的重要策略,“文”主要指代礼乐典章、伦理纲常、道德规范等封建社会的意识形态,“化”侧重于统治阶级对民众的开化、教化与训从,“人”的落脚点是封建顺民,其目的在于巩固封建统治、维系社会秩序、追求理想人格。在“以文化人”的当代语义中,“文”是以马克思主义理论为指导、以中国特色社会主义文化为主体、以人类一切优秀文化为借鉴的先进文化,“化”表征为涵化、熏陶、引导等隐性教育方式,“人”的落脚点是时代新人。“以文化人”之目的在于建设社会主义文化强国,提高治国理政的水平,凝聚价值共识,维护意识形态安全,提升人民的文化素养。 In its original semantics,“moulding people with culture”is an important strategy for the feudal emperor to maintain the rule.“culture”mainly refers to the ideology of feudal society such as ritual and music institution,ethical code,moral norm,“moulding”emphasizes the ruling class civilizing,educating and guiding the masses,and the foothold of“people”is the feudal abjectly obedient citizens.The purpose of moulding people with culture is to consolidate the feudal rule,maintain the social order,and pursue the ideal personality.In the contemporary semantics of“moulding people with culture”,“culture”refers to the advanced culture which is guided by Marxist theory,is based on the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics,and uses all the excellent cultures of mankind for reference.“moulding”is characterized by the implicit education way such as acculturation,edification and guidance,and the foothold of“people”is the new generation of the times.The purpose of moulding people with culture is to build a country with strong socialist culture,improve the level of governing the country,reach the value consensus,maintain the ideological security,and improve the people's cultural literacy.
作者 方黎 FANG Li(School of Marxism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241002, China;School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China)
出处 《鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2020年第2期20-24,31,共6页 Ludong University Journal:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 2019年安徽省高校思想政治工作中青年骨干队伍建设项目(sztsjh2019-08-28)。
关键词 “以文化人” 语义 学理澄明 实践意义 “moulding people with culture” semantics theoretical clarification practical significance
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