

The Confucianism Ethos Before the Occupation of Shanhai Pass of the Qing Dynasty
摘要 儒家经典是中国古代治国安邦的神圣准则和重要依据。早在清朝入关之前,努尔哈赤在战争的残酷教训中,树立了爱惜民命与积贤为道的政治理念。其与汉人文士的交往,加深了其对儒学的理解和向往。对天道的服膺与努力践求,日益内化为努尔哈赤所遵循的价值规范。皇太极从精神气质上亲近汉文化,倾心委任汉人文士,力图在政治气象上与帝王之业相侔。成为“天下共主”的理想,激励皇太极崇儒兴学,吸取中原文化的殊胜因素。儒学礼乐文明的精神内核,在清人入关之前,就已经日益取代萨满巫教,成为女真文化的主要祈向。 The Confucian classics are the sacred principles and important criteria of running a country of the ancient Chinese.Long before the occupation of Shanhai pass of the Qing dynasty,Nurhachi had set up the political ideology of cherishing the lives of the people and appointing virtuous people in the harsh lessons of the war.His contact with scholars of the Hans and scholars deepened his understanding and yearning for Confucianism.The belief and effort to practice of natural law are increasingly internalized into the value norms.Followed by Hong taiji was close to Han culture in affective disposition and devoted himself to appointing scholars of the Hans in order to equal to achievements of emperors in political landscape.Although Hong taiji always kept the vigilance of not blindly copying the Han culture,the ideal of being the only ruler of the whole world always inspired Hong taiji to worship Confucianism and run schools,and absorbed the victory factors of the central plains culture.The spiritual core of Confucian rites and music culture has gradually replaced Shamanism and become the main guide of Nuzhen culture before the Qing occupied the Shanhai Pass.
作者 李贵连 Li Guilian(Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, 312000)
出处 《语文学刊》 2020年第2期37-46,共10页 Journal of Language and Literature Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“清代满人经学研究”(16BZW090)阶段性成果。
关键词 清代 入关之前 儒学风气 Qing dynasty Before the occupation of Shanhai Pass Confucianism ethos
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