
寻找商业目标与公司合规之间的最大公约数 被引量:2

How to Achieve the Perfect Balance between Profit Making and Compliance
摘要 作为现代城市治理的题中应有之义,商业合规变得日益重要。除了外在讨论商业合规的传统视角,从公司内部视角讨论"在什么条件下"商业合规更容易、更可能实现的内在驱动机制,是一个十分关键的问题。两个研究小组围绕商业合规进行了全面分析,同时结合国内外商业合规研究的最新动向,探讨了如何建立商业合规的"高效认知界面",提出了一种公司更愿意合规的认知行为界面偏好的方法,改变以往强调商业合规的"硬干预"、"强干预"的窠臼,走向更为符合商业合规选择偏好的"软干预"、"弱干预"的范式。在此基础上,寻找到让赢利与合规目标之间达成最大公约数的具体实现方案。 As the proper meaning of urban governance,business compliance has become increasingly important. In addition to the traditional perspective of discussing business compliance externally,it is a key topic to discuss the inner motivation mechanism,which is about under what environments Business Compliance is more likely to be achieved from the internal perspective of a company. Two research groups conducted comprehensive analysis with big data and small data combined the latest trends of domestic and foreign business compliance research,discussed how to construct " cognitively effective interface ’ of Business Compliance, and then brought up a cognitively effective interface method that companies are more willing to comply with. This method changed the previous stereotype of ’ hard intervention ’ and ’ strong intervention ’ on business compliance, created a ’ soft intervention’ and ’weak intervention’ pattern that fit business compliance selection preference better. Based on this method,this paper aims to find a practical solution which can achieve the perfect balance between profit making and compliance.
作者 杨力 Yang Li(Ko Guan Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200030)
出处 《政法论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期139-148,共10页 Journal of Political Science and Law
基金 研究阐释党的十九大精神国家社科基金专项课题“深化司法体制综合配套改革研究”(18VSJ078)的阶段性成果。
关键词 城市治理 商业合规 高效认知界面 urban governance business compliance small data and big data cognitively effective interface
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