Hot cracking susceptibility of fillers 52 and 82 in 800H and 825 nickel-base superalloys was discussed using the Spot Varestraint test.The fillers of 52 and 82 were added into nickel-base superalloys via a gas tungsten arc welding(GTAW).Experimental results showed that the hot cracking sensitivity of the nickel-base superalloys with filler at high temperature was lower than that without filler.The hot cracking sensitivity had a slight effect when the filler 82 was added.The total length of crack was increased,the liquid-solid(L-S)two-phase range is higher so that the hot cracking susceptibility will be raised.The morphologies of cracks included the intergranular crack in the molten pool,molten pool of solidification cracking,heat-affected zone of intergranular cracks,and transgranular crack in the heat-affected zone.
The authors are obligated to thank the Ministry and Science and Technology(MOST)of the Taiwan,R.O.C.for the financial support under the projects numbered MOST 103-2218-E-005-002.