通过对赤点石斑鱼(Epinephelus akaara)亲本强化、苗种繁育阶段的饵料进行研究,结果表明:采用牡蛎作为赤点石斑鱼亲本营养强化饵料使得亲本成活率达89.33%,所产的卵子平均受精率达78.9%、孵化率达80.1%,均显著高于使用南美白对虾和蛏子组(P<0.05);苗种培育至摄氏卤虫阶段,采用鱼油(4 g/L)与经小球藻强化轮虫和虾青素(5 g/L)混合代替,成活率29.53%,全长增长率175.00%,效果最佳;苗种培育至摄氏桡足类阶段,采用鱼油(4 g/L)与桡足类和虾青素(5 g/L)培育,成活率和全长增长率均显著高于其他组(P<0.05);而后期采用软颗粒料(鳗粉:鳀鱼=3:2,添加虾青素5 g/kg)可极显著提高赤点石斑鱼的养成成活率和全长增长率(P<0.01)。
We analyzed the bait feeding in broodstock strength,artemia-feeding stage and copepods feeding stage of the red grouper Epinephelus akaara.The result showed that the survival rate of the oyster-feeding broodstock is 89.33%,the fertility rate of the egg is 78.9%and the hatching rate is 80.1%,which are significantly higher than that of white shrimp feeding-group and razor clam-feeding group(P<0.05).When reaching the artemia-feeding stage,the group fed with fish oil(4 g/L)+chlorella enriched rotifers+astaxanthin(5 g/L)instead had a 29.53%survival rate and a 175.00%growth rate of the total length,which are significantly higher than other groups.When reaching the copepods feeding stage,the group fed with fish oil(4 g/L)+copepoda and astaxanthin(5 g/L)had better survival rate and growth rate of the total length,which are significantly higher than other groups.In the later stage,the survival rate and the growth rate of the total length significantly increased(P<0.01)when the red grouper was fed with soft particle bait(eel powder:anchovy=3:2,with 5 g/kg astaxanthin).
MAO Lian-huan(Mindong Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian Province,Ningde 352100,China)