
中东呼吸综合征中医防治探讨 被引量:8

Exploratory Analysis on MERS Prevented and Treated by TCM
摘要 中东呼吸综合征是一种急性严重呼吸道传染病,以高热、咳嗽、呼吸困难为主要表现。虽然该病是由中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒(MERS-Cov)引起的急性传染病,但中医防治疫病的经验和理论,对其防治仍具有积极意义。本文在中医药理论指导下,认为中东呼吸综合征是感受“异气”所致,属于中医“瘟疫”范畴,其防治思路重在“预防为主,防重于治”,其治疗重在清热解毒,宣肺止咳,兼护人体正气。 Middle east respiatory syndrome(MERS)is an acute severe respiratory infection,manifested as high fever,coughing and difficult breathing.Although this disease is caused by MERS-CoV,leading to acute infection,experiences and theories of TCM in preventing and treating epidemics still have positive significance on the treatment of MERS.This study regards that MERS,which belongs to plague category in TCM caused by abnormal qi.The intervention of the disease should be paid more attention to prevention rather than treatment,and the treatment emphasizes clearing heat and resolving toxins,diffusing Lung and suppressing cough,as well as protecting vital-qi of the human body.
作者 张尚祖 李赟 张宏伟 麻志华 程楠 ZHANG Shangzu;LI Yun;ZHANG Hongwei;MA Zhihua;CHENG Nan(Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730000, China)
机构地区 甘肃中医药大学
出处 《中医药学报》 CAS 2020年第2期4-6,共3页 Acta Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology
关键词 中东呼吸综合征 中医 瘟疫 Middle east respiatory syndrome TCM Pestilence
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