
优质护理干预对甲状腺癌患者预后的影响 被引量:4

Effect of Quality Nursing Intervention on Prognosis of Patients with Thyroid Cancer
摘要 目的观察优质护理干预对甲状腺癌手术患者预后的影响。方法选择我院普外科2015年1月至2019年1月收治的甲状腺癌患者96例,其中2015年~2017年采取普通护理措施的46例患者作为对照组;2017年后采取优质护理干预措施的50例患者作为观察组。对观察组患者实施优质护理干预措施。术前进行有效评估,做好心理护理、适应性训练和术前准备工作。术中注意手术间内维持合适温湿度,减少噪音,对患者进行恰当的安慰。巡回护士要密切观察病情变化,及时发现患者的不适或意外情况、提供和补充手术中的重要物品。准确记录术中全部情况,为病房护士进行术后护理提供依据。加强术后并发症的护理。对患者及家属进行健康教育,制定有效的康复训练计划,合理膳食,定期复查。结果全部患者手术过程顺利,手术时间2~3.5 h,出血量80~120 mL。观察组术后出血2例,术后疼痛12例,声音嘶哑1例,手足抽搐1例,经过及时的发现与救治,均康复出院。无护理并发症出现,护理满意度提高,与对照组相比,结果差异值具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论护理工作是保证治疗效果的重要措施,也是围手术期治疗的关键环节,因此我们不断提高对围手术期护理工作的重视,采取更加合理有效的护理方案,并且收到了满意的效果。通过本研究发现,患者治疗成功率提高,并发症发生率减少,住院时间缩短,减少了医疗资源的消耗和患者的经济负担,患者满意度明显提高。 Objective To observe the effect of quality nursing intervention on the prognosis of patients with thyroid cancer surgery.Methods A retrospective study of 96 patients with thyroid cancer admitted to our hospital from January 2015 to January 2019.Implement quality care interventions for patients.Effective evaluation before surgery,psychological care,adaptive training and preoperative preparation.During the operation,pay attention to maintaining proper temperature and humidity in the operation room,reduce noise,and provide appropriate comfort to the patient.Accurately record all the conditions in the operation,and provide evidence for postoperative care of the ward nurse.Strengthen the care of postoperative complications.Health education for patients and their families,development of effective rehabilitation training programs,and reasonable diet.Form a routine review to reduce the recurrence rate of thyroid cancer.Results All patients had a smooth operation.The operation time was 2-3.5 hours,and the amount of bleeding was 80-120 mL.There were 2 cases of postoperative hemorrhage in the observation group,12 cases of postoperative pain,1 case of hoarseness,and 1 case of hand and foot convulsion.After timely discovery and treatment,they were discharged.No nursing complications occurred,and the nursing satisfaction increased.Compared with the control group,the difference value was statistically signifi cant(P<0.05).Conclusion Nursing work is an important measure to ensure the treatment effect,and it is also a key link in the perioperative treatment.Therefore,we continue to pay more attention to the perioperative nursing work,adopt a more reasonable and effective nursing program,and have received satisfactory results.Through this study,it was found that the patient's treatment success rate increased,the complication rate decreased,the hospitalization time was shortened,the medical resource consumption and the patient's economic burden were reduced,and patient satisfaction was signifi cantly improved.
作者 邱璇 QIU Wei(Jinzhou Central Hospital,Jinzhou 121000,China)
机构地区 锦州市中心医院
出处 《中国医药指南》 2020年第10期258-259,共2页 Guide of China Medicine
关键词 甲状腺癌 围手术期 护理 Thyroid cancer Perioperative period Nursing
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