【作者介绍】莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564~1616),文艺复兴时期英国杰出的剧作家和诗人,被誉为英国乃至世界上最伟大的英语作家。莎士比亚出生于英国中南部埃文河畔的斯特拉特福(Stratford-upon-Avon),曾在文法学校读书,后中途辍学,辍学后赴伦敦从事戏剧表演和创作。1912年他返回故乡斯特拉特福,与人合伙经营剧院。1616年4月23日莎士比亚去世,同一天陨落的文坛巨星还有西班牙的塞万提斯(Cervantes)和中国的汤显祖。关于莎翁的生平有许多疑团:比如莎士比亚是否真有其人?他是否是剧本的真正作者?我们所熟悉的莎翁肖像是否是莎翁本人?他在十四行诗中提到的“dark lady”是谁?对于这些问题,学术界仍在争论,尚没有一致意见。
Lear:Now,I shall I tell you what I intend to do.Please give me the map.I am old and decide to remove myself of all the cares and business of the kingdom.I will divide the kingdom into three parts and present them to my daughters while I myself shall wait for death.My son Cornwall and my son Albany,now I will make clear my daughters’dowries1 so that future arguments may be prevented.France and Burgundy have been competing for my youngest daughter’s love.For this reason,they have long stayed in our court and now their requests shall be answered.Before I give up my rule,territory and state business,tell me,my daughters,which of you love me most.