To the Editor:Most researchers in China are concerned that the whole labor process of traditional continuous epidural analgesia(CEA)will hinder the maternal force in the second stage of labor.In contrast,a local anesthetic drug can be used for a relatively long time.Excessive intraspinal administration may inhibit the contraction of the uterine smooth muscle,[1]which may lead to a longer labor stage,increased oxytocin use,and increased rates of forceps delivery,cesarean section,and neonatal asphyxia.Therefore,some obstetricians and midwives in China choose to stop epidural labor analgesia when the cervix opens to 7 to 8 cm or at complete cervical dilation.Thus,most parturients cannot enjoy ideal full-term labor analgesia.
supported by the grants from Scientific and Technological Achievements and Appropriate Technology of Beijing Health and Family Planning Commission Promotion Project(No.2018-TG-21)
Clinical Study on the effect of intelligent self controlled analgesia pump on labor analgesia(No.SHFZ 2020-5).