
糖尿病视网膜病变随访管理系统的研发与应用 被引量:6

Research and Application of the Follow-up Management System of Diabetic Retinopathy
摘要 目的:探索基于移动终端的糖尿病视网膜病变随访管理系统在眼科的临床应用。方法:眼科医师根据疾病诊疗特点设计数据库结构,与软件工程师合作研发糖尿病视网膜病变随访管理系统。糖尿病患者在医师指导下使用随访软件,完成随访计划。结果:糖尿病视网膜病变随访管理系统以移动App及微信公众号的形式呈现,包含个人信息、病史、系统体检、眼科专科检查、眼科治疗、系统治疗六大数据采集模块,具备移动办公、医患交流、病历管理、随访提醒、科研管理、安全防护等功能。投入临床应用,运行稳定。结论:利用随访系统跟踪管理糖尿病患者,一方面可为糖尿病视网膜病变临床诊疗决策提供参考,帮助患者明确病情并有效预防其发展;另一方面可为糖尿病视网膜病变的科学研究提供优质数据资料,具有广阔应用前景和社会效益。 Objective:To explore the clinical application of the diabetic retinopathy follow-up management system based on mobile terminals in ophthalmology.Methods:Ophthalmologists designed the database structure according to the characteristics of disease diagnosis and treatment,and cooperated with software engineers to develop a follow-up management system for diabetic retinopathy.Diabetes patients use follow-up software under the guidance of doctor to complete the follow-up plan.Results:Diabetic retinopathy follow-up management system includes six data modules:personal information,medical history,system physical examination,ophthalmology examination,ophthalmology treatment,and system treatment.It has functions such as mobile office,doctor-patient communication,medical record management,follow-up reminder,scientific research management,and security protection.It has been put into clinical application and runs stably.Conclusion:Using mobile terminal-based follow-up system to track and manage diabetic patients can provide reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment decisions of diabetic retinopathy and help patients to identify the disease and effectively prevent it.On the other hand,it can systematically collect clinical data providing high-quality data for scientific research of diabetic retinopathy.Its development has broad application prospects and social benefits.
作者 李琬悦 张颖 应俊 张卯年 程子芳 宋亚男 乔屾 LI Wan-yue;ZHANG Ying;YING Jun(Department of Ophthalmology,Chinese PLA General Hospital,Beijing 100853,P.R.C.)
出处 《中国数字医学》 2020年第3期49-51,共3页 China Digital Medicine
基金 解放军总医院医疗大数据研发项目(编号:2017MBD-020)。
关键词 数字医疗 移动医疗 糖尿病视网膜病变 随访 digital medical mobile medical diabetic retinopathy follow-up
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