
上颌中切牙与多生牙融合1例 被引量:5

Fusion of A Supernumerary Tooth With A Maxillary Central Incisor:A Case Report
摘要 融合牙是由两个或多个牙胚的釉质或牙本质融合在一起而成。本文报道1例曾被误诊为多生牙拔除后再植的融合牙病例。 Fused teeth are formed by the fusion of the enamel or dentin of two or more tooth germs.In this paper,we report a case of fused tooth misdiagnosed as supernumerary tooth,which was extracted and replanted.
作者 谢燕燕 高红 王雪芹 XIE Yanyan;GAO Hong;WANG Xueqin(Department of Pediatric Dentistry Yantai Stomatological Hospital, Yantai 264000, China.)
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第2期185-186,共2页 Journal of Oral Science Research
关键词 融合牙 再植 CBCT fused tooth replantation CBCT
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