
基于电感特殊位置点的开关磁阻电机转子位置检测及误差补偿 被引量:16

Rotor Position Detection and Error Compensation of Switched Reluctance Motor Based on Special Inductance Position
摘要 针对开关磁阻电机(SRM)电感特殊点无位置控制方法受磁饱和的影响,导致三相电感交点(即特殊点)偏移使位置估计不准确的问题,提出了带有误差补偿的电感特殊点无位置控制方法。该方法针对交点偏移提出了补偿策略,在不同负载转矩下分别测量了电感曲线交点所对应的角度,并采用傅里叶拟合建立了负载转矩与角度的函数关系,进而推算出要补偿的角度误差。在磁饱和的情况下,通过误差补偿来减小交点偏移导致的误差,使位置估计更加准确。为了验证所提算法的有效性和正确性,以一台三相12/8极SRM为控制对象,对新方案和传统方案分别进行了仿真和实验。结果表明,新方案有效地减小了交点偏移导致的误差,使转子位置估计更加准确。 In sensorless control of the Switched Reluctance Motor(SRM)based on special position of inductance,inductance intersection point is affected by the magnetic saturation,which will cause inaccurate position estimation.To solve this problem,a control method with error compensation and an improved strategy for intersection offset are proposed.Under different load torques,angles of the intersections of inductance curves are measured.The function relationship between load torque and angle is established by Fourier fitting,then the angle error to be compensated is deduced.In the case of magnetic saturation,the error resulted from intersection offset can be reduced by error compensation to make position estimation more accurate.A three-phase 12/8 pole SRM was designed to verify the proposed method.The simulation and experimental results show that in the case of magnetic saturation,the new method can effectively reduce the error and estimate the rotor position more accurately.
作者 许爱德 任萍 陈加贵 朱景伟 Xu Aide;Ren Ping;Chen Jiagui;Zhu Jingwei(College of Information Science and Technology Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026 China;College of Marine Electrical Engineering Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026 China)
出处 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期1613-1623,共11页 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society
基金 国家自然科学基金(51407021) 辽宁省科技创新基金(2018J12GX039)资助项目。
关键词 开关磁阻电机 无位置控制 转子位置 磁饱和 Switched reluctance motors sensorless control rotor position magnetic saturation
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