

Textual Research on the Epitaph of the Tongguan County Magistrate Guo Rubi of the Yuan Dynasty
摘要 《大元故从仕郎耀州同官县尹郭君墓志》现存陕西省考古研究院。该志此前未见著录,其写作时间当在大德三年(1299年)至皇庆元年(1312年)正月间。由志文可知,郭氏家族世居山西太原,后徙至陕西京兆,第五代成员郭时中为关中硕儒,与王天祺、李庭、郭镐并称"四贤"。志主郭汝弼,郭珏第五子,生于大蒙古国贵由汗三年(1208年),卒于元成宗大德三年。幼习儒业于乡贤郭镐、李庭;筮仕安西王府典书,与同僚姚燧、马绍庭交游甚厚;迨元廷分省四川,受知于中书左丞汪惟正,选充行省掾属,是以吏出职的北方低级汉官典型。因史料匮乏,对于郭汝弼及郭氏家族,学界尚无专文研究。墓志详述郭氏先祖及其家族成员基本情况,并叙志主本人生平事迹,为了解该家族、探讨元前期史事提供佐证,具有一定史料价值。 The epitaph of Guo Rubi, then Tongguan County Magistrate, stowed in Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology has never been recorded in literature. Its creation should be between 1299 and 1312. The inscription shows that the Guo family lived in Taiyuan of Shanxi for generations, and later emigrated to Jingzhao of Shaanxi. Guo Shizhong of the fifth generation was one of the four sages in the center Shaanxi plain;the other three are Wang Tianqi, Li Ting and Guo Gao. Guo Rubi was a typical northern Chinese bureaucrat of the Yuan Dynasty, who was Guo Jue’s fifth son, born in 1208 and died in 1299. He studied Confucianism under the instruction of his mentors Guo Gao and Li Ting, and took his first job as clerical secretary in Anxi Palace where he made friends with Yao Sui and Ma Shaoting. Later he met Wang Weizheng, the prime minister of Zhongshu Province, and was recommended as petty official before he became formal officer. Due to the lack of relevant documentation, the Guo family was not systematically studied by historians. The story of the Guo family and Guo Rubi’s life has been inscribed in the epitaph that is of historical significance in researching the early Yuan Dynasty family and providing sound evidence of historical events.
作者 常莹 Chang Ying
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期75-82,共8页 Journal of National Museum of China
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“元代北方金石碑刻遗存资料的抢救、发掘及整理研究”项目(项目编号:12&ZD142)阶段性成果。
关键词 郭汝弼 墓志铭 家族世系 Yuan Dynasty Guo Rubi epitaph generations of a family
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