

Exploration on Translation of Personal Protective Apparel in the Fight Against the COVID-19 Epidemic
摘要 2019年底到2020年初暴发的新冠肺炎疫情打乱了无数人正常的工作和生活节奏。广大医务人员响应国家号召,义无反顾地奔赴抗疫前线,英勇奋战。然而,疫情传播速度快,防护服、口罩等医院防护用品需求激增,一时供应紧张。英语中医用防护用品相关词汇专业性强,对外交流时若不能正确使用,易致误判,给本来就较为紧张的医疗物资供应增添额外的麻烦。本文围绕新冠肺炎疫情期间几种常用医院防护用品的英译展开探讨,希望借此引起对医疗领域汉英翻译的重视。 The outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)at the turn of the year 2019/2020 has disrupted the normal work and life of numerous people.In response to the call of the government,vast numbers of health care workers rise to the challenge and fight gallantly against the rampant epidemic.However,the supplies of protective apparel such as N95 respirators and personal protective equipment(PPE)are being stretched to the limit due to the soaring demand for them as the epidemic runs wild.As the terms for such apparel are highly specialized in English,they may cause misunderstanding in our dialogue with overseas counterparts if not properly translated,thus further complicating the already tense supply of medical resources.Focusing on a few commonly used terms,this paper aims to draw attention to the Chinese-English translation in the healthcare sector.
作者 王佩 车云峰 WANG Pei;CHE Yunfeng
出处 《中国科技术语》 2020年第2期46-49,共4页 CHINA TERMINOLOGY
关键词 新冠肺炎 口罩 眼部防护 防护服 隔离衣 手术衣 英译 COVID-19 facemasks/respirators eye protection personal protective equipment(PPE) isolation gown surgicalgown English translation
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