

The Ethical Significance of Funeral in Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirituality
摘要 葬礼作为一种对死者的操作仪式,联结了生死两端。在黑格尔的精神哲学体系中,葬礼不过是精神自我扬弃和发展的个别环节。通过葬礼,逝者被安排到大地的怀抱并成为伦理实体的一员,这一行为不但成全了死者最后的尊严,而且构成了血亲最高的伦理义务:将作为自然事业的死亡现象打断,进而使其转化为一种精神事件。在这一精神事件中,逝者通过在世血亲的主动承担而成就了其伦理的普遍,而死亡也不再显现为一种纯粹的消极性而是精神直面死亡并承担死亡的一种方式。 Funeral as a kind of the ceremony for the deceased connects life and death.In Hegel’s philosophy of spirituality,a funeral is nothing more than the individual stages of self-sublation and development of spirit.Through the funeral,the deceased is placed in the arms of the earth and becomes a member of the ethical entity.This act not only fulfills the ultimate dignity of the deceased,but also constitutes the highest ethical obligation of the relationship by blood:to interrupt as the death of the natural cause,and then turn it into a spiritual event.In this spiritual event,the deceased achieves the universality of their ethics by taking the initiative of their living relatives,and death no longer appears as a pure negativity but as a way for the spirit to face death and bear it.
作者 黄瑜 HUANG Yu(School of Marxism,Guangdong University of Finance&Economics,Guangzhou 510320,China)
出处 《医学与哲学》 2020年第7期27-30,45,共5页 Medicine and Philosophy
基金 2018年教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(18YJC720005) 2016年教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(16JJD710016)。
关键词 死亡 葬礼 精神 家庭义务 death funeral spirit family obligation
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